
Sharon Jones

  • Profile picture of Sharon Jones

    ‘Trump Baby’
    Pumped full of hot air
    Blows football off the pages
    Grabs the Ingerland press headlines
    High Flyin’ in the London sunshine
    A gargantuan blimp
    In the best mode of Carnival
    The crowd howls with […]

  • Profile picture of Sharon Jones

    Sharon Jones commented on a poem on Football Poets 5 years, 11 months ago

    i should say so!

  • Profile picture of Sharon Jones

    Gareth Southgate and his World Cup boys
    Gave us an England free of snarling yobs
    And instead a smile a hug a warm embrace
    Of eternal hope over short lived hate
    And the heart of football found its home
    In a […]

  • Profile picture of Sharon Jones

    The Welsh Spaniard now flown
    Elegance of a Bolivian no.2 cigar
    By his boots ye shall know him
    Unlike lesser kings
    Who chase the white rabbit of fame
    Rangel found his aelwyd hearth
    Within the grace of […]

  • Profile picture of Sharon Jones

    Sharon Jones commented on a poem on Football Poets 5 years, 11 months ago

    is this being seen (wrongly i think) as a representation of the old minstrels show?

  • Profile picture of Sharon Jones

    The scent of the white owl cigar
    Pervades the Firhill dugout
    Of a different time and place
    No fire without smoke

    His name resolutely hewn
    From the same immortal rock as
    Shankly Busby Stein, football […]

  • Profile picture of Sharon Jones

    I love Gareth Southgate’s M&S waistcoat
    And Harry Kane’s (almost) golden boot
    And Harry Maguire’s bullet head
    But although we cry ‘God for Harry….’
    I won’t say “Football’s Coming Home!”
    Not no nae never, […]

  • Profile picture of Sharon Jones

    Football loves its trinities
    And like the Holy Ghost
    Always feels more at home
    When the other two are close

    Hansen, Souness and Dalglish
    Or the 3 Jocks as they’re known
    Leaped right over Hadrian’s Wal […]

  • Profile picture of Sharon Jones

    Sharon Jones published a poem on the site Football Poets 6 years ago

    Who knows what will happen when England play Sweden
    Nae more Turnips v Swedes that’s fae sure
    And yon Southgate in his smart waistcoat
    Put that ghost of ’96 to sleep
    A lesson in patience resilience […]

  • Profile picture of Sharon Jones

    Sharon Jones published a poem on the site Football Poets 6 years ago

    The incredible Inexplicable
    Unexplainable bewitching
    Ineffable passion of football touches us all
    In some way somehow somewhere
    Bigger than @realDonaldTrump
    Wilder than Rock & Roll
    Bosser than […]

  • Profile picture of Sharon Jones

    Sharon Jones commented on a poem on Football Poets 6 years ago

    Aye, my thoughts too, but this is a start……

  • Profile picture of Sharon Jones

    Sharon Jones published a poem on the site Football Poets 6 years ago

    In the twist of human logic
    Between the guilt of bloodied hands
    Now points the finger of the truth and frees
    The voice of 96 lost fans
    When the stronger arm of Justice
    Stretches longer than the law
    There’s […]

  • Profile picture of Sharon Jones

    Sharon Jones published a poem on the site Football Poets 6 years ago

    Bowie in Berlin
    Flew high from Low in Hansa
    Nae mentioned Fußball.

  • Profile picture of Sharon Jones

    Sharon Jones published a poem on the site Football Poets 6 years ago

    Williams flips the bird
    Nae rockin’ robin more t*t
    Putin on the ritz!

  • Profile picture of Sharon Jones

    Sharon Jones published a poem on the site Football Poets 6 years ago

    Maradona magician with a neat sleight of hand
    Moore quite immaculate the emperor commands
    Beckenbauer libero the pitch in his boots
    Zoff a colossus even Caesar salutes
    Deschamps so graceful gave sight to the […]

  • Profile picture of Sharon Jones

    Sharon Jones published a poem on the site Football Poets 6 years ago

    The man in black
    “The Octopus”
    with the feline vertebrae
    whose elastic muscles flexed
    with lithe perfection
    to slide through skin
    into legend
    like the decadent slide
    of a jazz trombone.

  • Profile picture of Sharon Jones

    In 1930 the World Cup was born
    And its birth pangs sang its joy
    Jules Rimet the midwife and nurse
    The victors Uruguay

    The strength of Meazza and Monti shone free
    1934 in the glory that was Rome
    Zamora and […]

  • Profile picture of Sharon Jones

    There were so many roads home
    For the brilliant Belfast boy
    But the only real home for this
    Dazzling swaggering wee genius
    Was upon the football pitch
    For here, and only here,
    Let loose on those Elysian […]

  • Profile picture of Sharon Jones

    Football welcomes its battlers
    And they more than most fire up the terrace choristers
    Honest graft and the steam of sweat wrung out from the hard-won match worn and torn shirt
    And that there caustic […]

  • Profile picture of Sharon Jones

    You speak of Kant who said
    ”Man must be disciplined, for he is by nature raw and wild..”
    Citing pure reason with deference, but
    I tell you of Cantona whose raw passion
    Nailed the pitch
    “To be is to do” […]

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Source: http://footballpoets.org/members/scousebanana63/?acpage=10&offset_lower=12453