
Sharon Jones

  • Profile picture of Sharon Jones

    The white and the gold
    The kings and the kings to be
    Stepping onto the technicolour stage
    To unharness the meticulous
    And the miraculous
    The supreme attacker
    Like a surging meteor
    Toward the peerless […]

  • Profile picture of Sharon Jones

    The natural freedom
    Whose wise limbs
    Came to life
    As the King who rained
    Over defences with his fingers
    Digging deep into sleeve-ends
    The skinny frame
    Quicker than a cat on heat
    Twisting like […]

  • Profile picture of Sharon Jones

    Football’s fickle gods
    Delight in creating havoc in hearts and minds
    “As flies to wanton boys are we to th’ gods”
    So spake Shakepseare’s Gloucester
    And tis true of football
    They weave their tricks in the […]

  • Profile picture of Sharon Jones

    As the seasons come then race away
    And hopes all turned to dust
    Fortunes made, and fortunes spent
    Of titles won, and lost
    What price this love this fickle dream
    Which binds with such a bond
    That turns us all […]

  • Profile picture of Sharon Jones

    Big Nev the toffees goalie
    He was boss between the sticks
    But now he’s taking on the Tories
    And helping people on the streets
    He’s an LGBT Champion
    And he’ll really make you think
    His words are spoken […]

  • Profile picture of Sharon Jones

    Should be a football shirt
    Of neutral colours
    One size fits all…
    Splattered with sweat
    Not sanctimonious lessons not learnt
    From history
    Worn with peace
    Not pieces of bodies
    Played on a pitch
    Not pitch b […]

  • Profile picture of Sharon Jones

    Grass roots football
    Scottish Amateur Football League
    All action against the backdrop of Loch Gilp

    Sea salt catches the wind
    And the screaming gulls circle indifferent
    To the men in red and white […]

  • Profile picture of Sharon Jones

    They were Roger Hunt and Georgie Best
    Rivelino Charlie George
    Bobby Charlton Johnny Haynes
    But I was always
    Bobby Moore

    They copied Maradona Beckenbauer
    Just Fontaine Garrincha scored
    Eusebio Puskas […]

  • Profile picture of Sharon Jones

    Emily Bronte didn’t play football
    Not for Leeds Utd, Bradford City
    Or even a Haworth XI
    She didn’t fly down the wing
    Spraying passes to Branwell
    Charlotte and Anne
    She didn’t tackle anything other than […]

  • Profile picture of Sharon Jones

    Did not play much football
    And when he raced across Strawberry Fields
    He ghosted between the spaces of childhood
    Slipped unnoticed behind the gaps
    Where nothing is real
    Except the Eccho of the past

    He […]

  • Profile picture of Sharon Jones

    Sunday park leaguers
    Premier dreamers
    With Beckham’s hairstyles
    But not his goals
    The dead eye on managers
    Whose hearts win matches
    But whose tactics won’t
    Patience for sale for the price of 3 poi […]

  • Profile picture of Sharon Jones

    The technicolour black and white
    Diamond brilliance
    Of generations who stood
    On the terrace choir
    Throats blistered with unrequited passion
    Whilst its youth watched champions deposed
    And parliament auction […]

  • Profile picture of Sharon Jones

    Your eyes shine
    Like Mane through
    Your lips as red
    As Gerrard’s boots
    This Ring of Fire Allez Les Rouges
    My Kenny Dalglish my Ian Rush
    You trap my dreams
    Nutmeg my soul
    You’re Shankly’s words […]

  • Profile picture of Sharon Jones

    The magician di Stefano
    White arrow silver string
    From the burning bow
    That is the Madrilenos
    And Gento his flamboyant colours
    Brave as Picasso and passionate as Lorca
    Kopa came out from the mines a miracle […]

  • Profile picture of Sharon Jones

    Stryker, stryker burning bright
    Upon the pitch beneath floodlight
    What immortal football boot
    Dare frame thy fearful aim to shoot

    In what jinking runs aspired
    And scorched the wings from side to side
    Would […]

  • Profile picture of Sharon Jones

    Sharon Jones‘s profile was updated 6 years, 5 months ago

  • Profile picture of Sharon Jones

    Sharon Jones became a registered member 6 years, 5 months ago

  • Profile picture of Sharon Jones

    Sharon Jones changed their profile picture 6 years, 5 months ago

  • P Maguire commented on a poem on Football Poets 7 years, 10 months ago

    It was from a proposed book from a few years ago; and the cover was even better than the title! Google it 🙂

  • There are few heroes left in the game
    Too many fast cars for slow strikers
    Yet to earn the points on the silver spurs

    But one lad
    Grafting far from the glare
    Of the sparkling lights

    Number 29
    Stanley […]

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Source: http://footballpoets.org/members/scousebanana63/?acpage=12&offset_lower=11573