
Sharon Jones

  • Profile picture of Sharon Jones

    The poetry in motion
    Upon a football pitch
    Whence a Dalglish turn punctuates
    The essential wisdom
    And simplicity of a game
    Thus spake Shankly, Busby, Stein
    A Nation’s pride immortalised
    Crave rhyme and […]

  • Profile picture of Sharon Jones

    The Gaza strip
    Should be a football shirt
    Of neutral colours
    With a size for all

    Splattered with sweat
    Not bloodied sanctimonious lessons not learnt
    From history

    Worn with peace
    Not pieces of bodies

    Played […]

  • Profile picture of Sharon Jones

    In 1930 the World Cup was born
    And its birth pangs sang its joy
    Jules Rimet the guardian and maker
    The victors Uruguay

    The strength of Meazza and Monti shone free
    1934 in the glory that was Rome
    Zamora and […]

  • Profile picture of Sharon Jones

    The magician di Stefano
    White arrow silver string
    From the burning bow
    That is the Madrilenos
    And Gento his flamboyant colours
    Brave as Picasso and passionate as Lorca

    Kopa came out from the mines a miracle made […]

  • Profile picture of Sharon Jones

    The early heroes left the factories
    Forged from coalfields all the same
    Took the bus with fans on Saturdays
    When football was the people’s game

    The standing terrace packed to stanchions
    Flatcaps and rattles, […]

  • Profile picture of Sharon Jones

    The breath of the terrace crystallizes
    The songs paint pictures alive and vibrant
    The moon peeps from behind the clouds
    Fully gowned she sails in silence

    Closer closer dipping down
    And if it rains who cares
    There […]

  • Profile picture of Sharon Jones

    It breaks your heart this football game
    Left chasing shadows in the dark
    But lace your boots and grab the shirt
    Pick shattered dreams up off the park

    Your toes are frozen to the concrete
    Your voice is hoarse and […]

  • Profile picture of Sharon Jones

    In broken ruins
    Rouse the football ghosts
    Their noises rattle
    Round the shadows
    Of this ground
    And shuffle in empty corners
    Rusted jewels that barely stand
    The Irwell waters
    Slap over rocks
    Indifferent stones […]

  • Profile picture of Sharon Jones

    How you rose up like a Scouse salmon
    To claim the crown in Rome
    30, 000 Kopites shook their heads
    With disbelief and then took off
    For the moon
    Singin’ your name like a hymn
    And there you were
    Suspended immo […]

  • Profile picture of Sharon Jones

    Hamlet planning in defence
    The best way to attack
    Macbeth with blood and thunder
    And his missus on his back
    King Lear he blames the weather
    Whilst his girls they just swap sides
    Hal scores 4 for Hotspur
    As John […]

  • Profile picture of Sharon Jones

    I dreamt last night that Shakespeare’s Ghost
    Went for an English teaching post
    The English paper for that year
    Had several questions on King Lear
    But Shakespeare answered less than three
    Too bad he failed GCSE […]

  • Profile picture of Sharon Jones

    When I was in high school all those years ago
    In English I was taught Keats’ “Ode To A Grecian Urn”
    And whilst I loved this bright star’s resilient rebellions
    Not one single word other than those in the title did […]

  • Profile picture of Sharon Jones

    Welcome back
    to the familiar merry-go-round
    bets being taken on the sack race
    the league being over by Christmas
    who is leaving who for who
    transfer speculation
    myopic refs
    and wind up merchants
    wine into […]

  • Profile picture of Sharon Jones

    I wrote my poem
    On the studs of his football boots
    No one would read my words
    But they would be as springs
    Hidden invisible
    Strong for he who would leap
    As salmon leap into rainbows

    I wrote my poem
    On the back […]

  • Profile picture of Sharon Jones

    We throw our hopes out like nets out to sea
    For 90 minutes of “if only”
    Love, despair the recipe the same… it is all,
    Do we hear the heartstrings snap
    As our world hangs over the abyss
    Of a goalpost
    By the skin […]

  • Profile picture of Sharon Jones

    What poetry would pour
    From gilded boots
    Flashing like blades
    Vibrant the pulse thudding
    With a slow moving seduction of senses
    Betwixt steaming pies and mushy peas
    Whilst the doppelgängers of football
    Gather i […]

  • Profile picture of Sharon Jones

    We’ve got a new striker
    He’s fast and he’s fleet
    He’s got lightning for boots
    And thunder for feet!

    We paid out in millions
    For his first touch is sweet
    He’s quicker than sugar
    Dissolving in tea!

    His passes […]

  • Profile picture of Sharon Jones

    Not for me Ronaldo beauty
    Henry’s chic with me won’t score
    Stevie Gerrard all red passion
    But Stan Ternent Je t’adore

    David Beckham in his undies
    Leaves me cold I simply yawn
    Lionel Messi completely boring
    Oh […]

  • Profile picture of Sharon Jones

    The football season beckons now
    And hearts begin to stir
    New signings V the long goodbyes
    Buying new home shirts

    The past mistakes forgiven now
    A blank page upon to verse
    The slip ups all forgotten sure
    In […]

  • Profile picture of Sharon Jones

    The Beautiful Game
    Eating itself
    Gorged with contracts
    Three-person’d deals
    It’s blattered heart
    All played out.

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Source: http://footballpoets.org/members/scousebanana63/?acpage=15&offset_lower=13769