
Sharon Jones

  • The Reds are down the pub with Rafa
    The pub with Rafa the pub with Rafa
    The Reds are down the pub with Rafa
    He’s Bosphorus He’s Sound!

    Jamie’s Dad is down the pub with them
    Down the pub with them down the pub […]

  • There was a party
    At St Peter’s church Woolton
    25th May 2005
    Just a few friends gathered there
    Nothin’ fancy mind
    The little group they watched the Reds
    On a portable TV
    The days before the Sky dropped down
    And […]

  • Magnificent 5
    Now the jewel in the crown
    When the silver is shining like gold
    Conquer Europe 5 times
    And “arl big ears” is yours
    You can keep it, and make it your own!

  • “We will give you the moon
    On a plate made of gold
    We will wrap up the oceans and seas
    A rainbow or two with a bright silver bow
    And the wealth of the world all for free
    Fortune and fame those twin sisters of […]

  • They’ve got Picasso in there
    Geometric masterpieces
    But his angles weren’t as
    Precise as Dalglish’s
    There’s a Matisse
    But his masterful strokes
    Couldn’t coax colours like Xabi’s boots
    There’s a Henry Moore
    But we […]

  • From the city of sailors and dreamers of dreams
    Came a journey of heroes to the shores of the East
    I thought I’d seen everything Anfield to Rome
    Welcomed the world to our Liverpool home

    Saw Sir Bob Paisley build […]

  • The Kop in heaven heaving
    With the Reds of 89
    Our brothers and our sisters
    Forever in our hearts and minds

    With them Shankly Bob and Fagan
    Stubbins led them all in song
    Billy Liddell he knew all the words
    Singin’ […]

  • With their legs shot to pieces
    And turning to stone
    They picked up our dreams
    Now they won’t walk alone

    From the terrace our passion
    Burst forth from each heart
    And it fired up our warriors
    Down on that […]

  • Me Grandad he had ’65
    Me Dad had ’77
    Now I’ve the Bul 2005
    Me European heaven

    I’ve gathered with the Redmen
    Besides the shores of heaven’s seas
    And I looked across those golden sands
    Where me Father waved at […]

  • The Red Sea rose from Liverpool and it forged a path of gold
    Byzantium saluted and the Romans from their sleep they rose
    The Kop marched in their thousands pounding dreams in their hearts
    And they walked on […]

  • Big Sam has booked a Kiss ‘o’ gram
    And the Reebok is aglow
    He’s told the lads he’s got a treat
    Someone new to show
    The music starts they hit the lights
    The stadium it rocks
    Then a plaintive voice
    Calls from the […]

  • Silent bricks the stones are mute
    Their stories sealed within
    Eternal mortar whose tales unknown
    And never told again

    These streets they carry history
    Within each human step
    And worn out shoes and broken […]

  • All those years of what will be
    And what really came to pass
    The times I knew just really knew
    My chance had come at last

    The winning goals I dreamed I’d score
    The foot the slipper wore
    The key that opened […]

  • Liverpool Fc is a club we’re told
    That has no country
    So we’ve no seeded protection
    Well what’s bloody new about that ?
    All these years of “otherness” and “le difference”
    It’s official now like
    And me
    I’m […]

  • Lattaf fleet of foot
    Le Foot Les Bleus
    Perhaps not yet as famous
    As Henry or flamboyant as Platini
    But angles are there to be mastered
    And with Pichon guiding
    Goals will come

  • Didi’s broken foot will heal
    Quicker than Maldini’s broken heart
    He ripped the soul from AC Milan
    Then tore the defences all apart
    Crazy Horse went mental
    And in heaven smiled at Bill
    Whilst Bob he passed on Holy […]

  • 50,000 kopites on the road to Istanbul
    The Ataturk a Red Sea for the “special ones” had come
    Beneath the dreams of glory and the skies of destiny
    The Lord looked down in wonder breathed “The Reds the team for m […]

  • “There are miracles!” gasped Moses, “In Istanbul they say,
    A sight to warm the coldest heart the 25th of May
    The glory that was Rome brought home to Liverpool this day
    The Reds crowned Kings of Europe on the 25th […]

  • Sleeps gone out the window
    And revise? yeah….not a hope
    Me retro shirts are out the wash
    Christ how will I cope?

    North End in the playoff finals
    So me lads are just as bad
    Superstition rules our house
    The world […]

  • The final leg of the journey
    The silvers stars they shine
    Whilst history she waves to us
    Across the sands of time

    The songs rise up and fill the air
    The banners all been made
    Suitcases full to Istanbul
    By cars […]

  • Load More

Source: http://footballpoets.org/members/scousebanana63/?acpage=23&offset_lower=4419