
Sharon Jones

  • The leg is broken
    The pain cuts through skin
    And feeds with delight upon bone
    The blood is wiped clean with bandages
    The pain numbed with anaesthetic
    But who will pick his dreams up
    That lay in pieces upon the pitch.

  • I grew my hair long
    Just like Charlie George
    Must have magical powers
    Long hair like that
    Like Samson
    Like Jesus
    So I let mine grow
    And yet the magician’s art
    For scoring goals still eluded me
    I knew the body […]

  • Like rains in the desert
    Like winds on the moon
    The Premiership Title
    I will bring to you…

  • So long Yosser
    Walk on with Shanks, and Bob and Joe
    96 Reds will show you round Heaven son
    Make yourself at home
    Whilst we remember your passion for the ‘Pool
    The Cups you lifted up to the Liver Birds
    The Pride […]

  • Crazy Horse
    Grand Captain son
    Think ’77
    When those old red devils
    Snatched the winning goal
    Tommy smiled but Bob had the last laugh
    I watched your tears fall to the silence of
    The Wembley turf, there was no […]

  • Love is being home stood in the Kop
    Love is joining in with “Scouser Tom”
    Love is us cream of the crop
    Love is

    Love is singing proud to every song
    Love is knowing here I belong
    Love is me Dad a redman gone
    Love […]

  • Your eyes shine
    Like Garcia through
    Your lips as red
    As Gerrard’s boots
    You’re my Champions League my FA Cup
    My Kenny Dalglish my Ian Rush

    You trap my dreams
    Nutmeg my soul
    You’re Shankly’s words
    You’re R […]

  • Water
    Giver of life cleanses receives
    The Baptist used it making waves in Jordan
    Before the Christ before the word had spoken
    The Plumber needs water knows its power
    And harnesses it
    Works his skills with a […]

  • I want a Jesus
    Who pulls on His football boots
    To deliver sermons
    Who wears a football shirt
    On Sundays left over
    From Saturday’s results
    Who stands in the Kop
    With His mates
    Singin’ His heart out
    And shakin’ […]

  • I don’t care about daffodils
    Westminster bridge I’m just bored stiff
    Those funny words for naming words
    Haiku for you, I just don’t care

    Give me a poem that really yells
    Right thought my heart with whistles and […]

  • John Cooper Clarke
    Has his poems on the
    National curriculum now
    Too late for me
    But I envy those who have his
    Salford metaphors in a classroom
    As a reason to pick up a book
    And read to discover that someone […]

  • They have pictures of miracles
    At the football museum
    Photographs that hold
    Within the flimsy paper
    Faith, Hope, Love
    Wrapped up in football boots
    That we all longed to pull on
    Wrapped up in football shirts
    We […]

  • Sat with me Dad was speakin’ then
    We shared the scarf so close again
    Don’t want to lose now we won’t draw
    The night King Kenny scored

    The stars were bright the LiverBird
    Back in the Pool heard every word
    Her […]

  • I’m goin’ down to Christie Park
    Rhythms found at Gigg lane too
    The purest spirit football style
    I got the premiership weary blues!

    Let me chant down at Turf Moor
    And sing me songs at Deepdale too
    Beneath the rain […]

  • Maggie Thatcher’s turned left wing
    Dennis Skinner loves the Queen
    Arthur Scargill’s Blue not Red
    Cos Bobby Moore he can’t be dead

    The skies have fallen to the seas
    Tony Blair says what he means
    Lies from tabloids […]

  • There’s miracles at Anfield they said
    By the banks of the Mersey
    Christ stood by the waters
    Wondering whether to walk
    Or swim
    Shankly beside him smiling
    And he said to God “Where ye from Son?”
    And Jesus answered […]

  • I want to go to work
    In me red Liverpool shirt
    I want to sit in school
    In me Liver Cool
    I’m wearin’ me Liverpool shirt

    I want to sit in lectures
    In me Liverpool scarf
    Wrapped up in Dalglish’s
    Exqusite arcs
    I’m […]

  • Down Mathew Street
    From Anfield Road
    Through winter’s haze
    Forgotten tho
    I stumbled through my past
    Then stole
    A word for Shankly’s Ghost

    Down North John Street
    And then to Bold
    The Slaughterhouse
    Quite drunk I […]

  • Farewell Berti Vogts
    The poisioned chalice
    That is “international football manager”
    Claims yet another scalp
    And they will pick the bones no doubt
    But still
    Your medals as a player go on
    Get them out
    Those […]

  • The men in red round here will gather
    A song upon the lips and hearts
    Red scarves wrap up warm each pilgrim
    Red banners wrap up well the stars

    Riise Baros Cisse Sami
    Rafa’s Lads take to the field
    The burning […]

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Source: http://footballpoets.org/members/scousebanana63/?acpage=35&offset_lower=4658