
Arsenal v Fenerbache

1 Leave a comment on verse 1 0 Someone, explain this to me, please,
you don’t get Champions League games like these,
you don’t get Arsenal scoring five,
or conceding two and coming out alive.
Yes, the backpass was suicide,
and Silvestre was playing for the wrong side,
in fact, unless the lad’s short-sighted,
I swear he still plays for United.
Yes, our centre-backs need shooting,
but five goals – we’ve done our looting.
We’ve shown that we can shoot and score,
we’ve tasted glory and we want more.
Almunia made some cracking saves,
to put chances in their graves,
killed the shots and stopped them dead –
Manuel Almunia, nuff said.
If we keep this up, it seems to me,
champions of Europe we will be.


Manuel Almunia! Legendary again, are you watching, Jens Lehmann? Who said this wasn’t a keeper who could win us games?

Source: http://footballpoets.org/poems/arsenal-v-fenerbache/?msg=fail&shared=email