
He’s Just Having A Laugh, Ain’t He?

1 Leave a comment on verse 1 0 “There were some good performances
In a tough match tonight”
An unconvincing MacLaren told Garth
You did hear the punters booing
Your team, did you not Steve?
Or as a manager, are you just having a laugh!

2 Leave a comment on verse 2 0 The rubbish MacLaren was spouting
Does he think all us punters are daft
He’ll need more than just smiles and a pouting
To convince the England fans that he’s top class!


The manager’s after match interview with Garth Crooks was really interesting.

MacLaren didnt look like he believed what he was saying about last nights dyer (sic) performance – if he can’t convince himself, that he knows what he’s doing, how is he gonna convince anybody else, like the rest of the country?

Has the new football messiah arrived in the form of Davide Villa?

He has been, is and was just awesome! Somebody is gonna have to break the bank to get his signature.



Source: http://footballpoets.org/poems/hes-just-having-a-laugh-aint-he/
