
How low can you go?

1 Leave a comment on verse 1 0 Football chants can be a source of great joy.
I was at Elland Road one Saturday
when the home fans taunted hapless local
rivals Barnsley, whose full back had just shanked
the ball into the stand where I was sitting,
by singing, ‘Have you been watching Torquay?’
What a cheek I complained, albeit true.
We were bottom of the Football League,
heady heights to us today. Football chants
can also be a source of great shame.
Many are out of Torquay fans’ reach. We
never play Man U so can’t riff on Munich;
nor Liverpool’s poverty, we have food banks ;
but a Yeovil player’s suicide? Too low.


At the 2021 Boxing Day derby between Torquay and Yeovil some Torquay fans were reported to be chanting about the suicide of Yeovil’s captain, crossing the line between humour and offensiveness.
As a Torquay fan I abhor their behaviour and hope to be part of a noisy but decent bunch of away supporters, the Yellow Army, at Yeovil for the return on Sunday 2nd January 2022.

Source: http://footballpoets.org/poems/how-low-can-you-go-2/?msg=fail&shared=email