
It Was Beautiful Then

1 Leave a comment on verse 1 1 Gloveless keepers, a pitch full of sand.
An offside rule, simple to understand!
3 men in charge, no need for any more.
It was beautiful then, win, lose or draw.

2 Leave a comment on verse 2 0 Tackles flew in, on the goalkeeper too!
The ball would stick in the mud like glue!
A magic sponge, to all injuries applied.
Photographers lying down, side by side.

3 Leave a comment on verse 3 0 Across the alphabet, other scores relaid.
In the FA Cup, your best team played!
On the terrace you stood with your mate.
You just turned up and paid at the gate!

4 Leave a comment on verse 4 0 Saturday 3pm, all games got on the way.
Tactics less complicated on how to play!
No play acting or diving to win a Pen.
With its ‘warts and all’ I loved footy then!

5 Leave a comment on verse 5 0 But greed took over, riches came aboard.
And a match ticket, I can no longer afford.
‘The suits’ sanitised the game to please TV.
In doing so, they stole the game from me.

Source: http://footballpoets.org/poems/it-was-beautiful-then/?msg=fail&shared=email