
White Hot

1 Leave a comment on verse 1 0 We shall never forget that January night
When Bolton fans turned Anfield white
A display by our team that tore Liverpool apart
The memories that still pull the strings of my heart
David Lee precise with his execution of speed
Crossed the ball for McGinley to head Bolton into the lead
The Wanderers fans were delirious behind that goal
As they saw their side take full control
Liverpool by now where were well second best
To a lower league side who continuously pressed
David Lee and Bolton missed chances galore
As the wanderers threatened to score many more
With Liverpool looking a well beaten side
Another Wanderers goal could not be denied
Super John broke free on the right
He crossed for Andy Walker to head Liverpool out of sight.
So twenty seven years later a repeat of that game
Where the squad of today will attempt to emulate that fame
Thanks for the memories they will never be forgot
That picture said it all simply WHITE HOT.


January 1993 Saw Bolton visit Anfield in the FA Cup and came away with a two nil victory.
Could there be a repeat of this night when Bolton visit Anfield twenty years later.

Source: http://footballpoets.org/poems/white-hot-2/?msg=fail&shared=email