
You Put Your Left Leg In…

1 Leave a comment on verse 1 0 Cultured left foot
Struck it sweetly
Revered left pegs
Smooth as creamy chocolate eggs
Two footed players
As rare as hens testicles
Those who have a skilful left
Considered as cool as frosted icicles
Right legs are ten a toffee penny
With the other for support
Left sided players all silky touch
The choice limb of our favourite sport
Left handers are frowned upon
Smudged writing and awkward scissors
But where the right is often wrong
The left foot never misses


Naturally left-footed players have long been sought after for their rarity value – elegant, gifted – they get all the superlatives. Right-footed players content themselves with ‘he shoots, he scores’

Source: http://footballpoets.org/poems/you-put-your-left-leg-in/?msg=fail&shared=email