
Famous Singer?

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But Gazza coined the phrase
That pays
The snog on the Tyne
Is all mine, all mine
And playing the buffoon
He sang out of Toon
The tears, from that clown
Famously, letting his guard down
Showing his true emotions
As a Nation harboured World Cup final notions
His booking, on a world stage
Triggered a race, howling with rage
Driving us nuts, like primitive primates
Sore losers, but not as sore as a clutch at the privates
Administered by a certain Womble called Vinnie
On a young lad unbelievably skinny
But no-one can take away
The fact that he could play
His instrument, an inflated pigs bladder
But which is sadder –
His decline?
Or his toonless whine?

Source: https://footballpoets.org/poems/famous-singer/