
Site-Wide Activity

  • Profile picture of joe morris

    Where once trawlers followed seagulls
    And poetry met philosophy
    Eric Cantona
    Quite suddenly
    Avant garde bohemian
    French chanteur
    Overnight pop singer
    It is beyond credibility
    But this man is the […]

  • Profile picture of steve mingle

    He travelled over from Dortmund to manage the Pool
    And the boys on the Kop thought, “This guy looks pretty cool”
    With his heavy metal football and baseball cap
    He came across as a rather endearing chap
    But for […]

  • Profile picture of Graham Salter

    “In 1903 we stood on Spion Kop
    Clattering our hob-nail boots against the wall”
    My grand-dad recollected this for me
    When he was eighty, in Nineteen Sixty Three
    Remembering a centre-half called Joe […]

  • Profile picture of joe morris

    joe morris published a poem on the site Football Poets 11 months ago

    And now for something
    Completely different
    Startling and totally
    Spurs are top of the
    Premier League
    Gasps of astonishment
    On the Richter scale
    Colossal shifting of
    Tectonic plates
    Surely […]

  • Profile picture of Greg Freeman

    Greg Freeman published a poem on the site Football Poets 11 months ago

    Thunderous shooting that transcended his era.
    Maybe you have to be a certain age.
    When they announced it during the game
    the crowd of six hundred
    barely reacted. No gasps or murmurs.
    My son shrugged, […]

  • Profile picture of joe morris

    joe morris published a poem on the site Football Poets 11 months ago

    Oh the heavens are weeping
    The angels softly plucking on
    Harps of Mancunian hymns
    Of the ultimate eulogy
    The one we were dreading
    Back in dear old Blighty
    Please tell us that Sir Bobby
    Has not left the […]

  • Profile picture of joe morris

    joe morris published a poem on the site Football Poets 11 months ago

    So there it was
    Italian job complete
    The doors have been
    Emphatically blown up
    Not a sight or sound
    Of Benny Hill or
    Michael Caine
    Trattorias and pizzerias
    Have served their customers
    And football’s […]

  • Profile picture of Crispin Thomas

    the strength and power in his boot
    from near or far when he would shoot
    the many times I saw him play
    at countless games back in the day
    the archetypal number nine
    who stays a legend for all time

    the […]

  • Profile picture of Bozidar Gacina

    Someone was watching Charlton in the Sixties
    Someone was watching Lampard in the Noughties
    Someone was watching Best in the Sixties
    Someone was watching Beckham in the Noughties
    Someone was watching […]

  • Profile picture of John Ellis

    A spring evening,
    bats flit the warm twilight.
    Enjoying the swarm,
    feeding on the excitement,
    chants echo under the floodlights.

    A ravenous crowd, and
    the biggest gathering ever.
    Roosted to the rafters, […]

  • Profile picture of Crispin Thomas

    anyone who’s been here
    anyone at all
    anyone who loves their club
    loves them rise or fall
    if you’re superstitious
    if you have a dream
    you endure the ups and downs
    following your team
    when you’re on a los […]

  • Profile picture of joe morris

    Oh those wombats and koalas
    Kangaroos too
    The great Don
    Bradman, stunning
    Knight of the realm
    Waltzing Matilda
    From way back when
    And now Australia Advance Fair
    We gave your boys one a hell of a […]

  • Profile picture of Jimmy Whelan


    He hailed from Canada
    With an ambitious plan
    To save Glasgow Celtic
    Mr Ferguson McCann

    A club on the brink
    And nearing the mire
    In stepped Fergus
    Modern day messiah

    They laughed and they scoffed
    At this odd looking chap
    Determined little fellow
    Who wore a cloth cap?

    Could have shut us down
    And started again
    But his love for…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of Jimmy Whelan

    Jimmy Whelan changed their profile picture 11 months, 1 week ago

  • Profile picture of Jimmy Whelan


    It all begins with your Dad
    Following the team you adore
    An affinity with that special club
    That feeling when they score

    Teenage years you go with mates
    Singing songs and having laughs
    Travel the world to support
    Drinking beer and a few half’s

    Then you meet your girlfriend
    She tries to calm you down
    Wedding bells are on the h…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of Jimmy Whelan


    God created a football team
    Home turf being in heaven
    Team of champs he did require
    Selected his first eleven

    John Thomson safe in goal
    Tully, McStay and Johnnie Doyle
    Tommy Burns and Phil O’Donnell
    Crafting their skills on hallowed soil

    Jimmy McGrory and Willie O’Neill
    Jimmy Johnstone the best we’ve seen
    Joe McBride and Bobby…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of Jimmy Whelan


    I had a dream the other night
    Venue filled with green and white
    Celtic flags were everywhere
    Songs of joy filled the air

    No racist chants of fenian blood
    Classic ballads for the team we love
    Songs of heroes of times gone by
    For the hoops they’d fight and die

    Reminiscing of all lost souls
    Standing beside me watching goals
    Now t…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of Jimmy Whelan


    There’s something quite magical
    When you’re a wee bhoy
    Means much more to you
    Than the latest toy

    Going to the fitba wae yer Da
    Watching the Hoops play
    For that vital victory
    You hope and pray

    Getting on the bus
    With these big men
    Drinking beer and wine
    As they did back then

    Our team is superb
    Upfront and at the bac…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of Jimmy Whelan

    An Institution

    To some Celtic is just a club
    As silly as it may seem
    They capture the imagination
    Fulfil aspirations and lifelong dreams

    For the global family of Celtic
    This club is part of life and inspiration
    A switch off from the troubles of life
    Can lead you to despair or ecstatic elation

    A club where strangers meet
    Suddenly become…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of Jimmy Whelan

    Jimmy Whelan became a registered member 11 months, 1 week ago

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Source: http://footballpoets.org/activity/?acpage=13&offset_lower=14937