
Site-Wide Activity

  • Profile picture of Celine Rose Mariotti

    Celine Rose Mariotti posted an update 1 year ago

    I’m a published poet and many of my poems have appeared in Atlantean Publishing, Tigershark Publishing, Quantum Leap, Lone Stars Magazine, Bewitching Stories, Altered Reality, Artifacts and many more. I love football and my favorite team is the New York Giants and I have written many poems about them. I also follow the New York Jets. I am…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of John Ellis

    We’ve had ‘em all,
    the hired guns,
    the journey men,
    the over the top of the hill.

    Managers promising stability,
    and less of a football thrill.

    Pulis and Pardew.
    Neil, Sam, and the Ollie.
    Drawn by […]

  • Profile picture of John Ellis

    John Gilbert Ellis commented on a poem on Football Poets 1 year ago

    Lovely stuff for one of the best.

    We love him to death down at the Palace.


    I’ll post my Roy poem a bit later. You’ve inspired me to finish it.

  • Profile picture of Celine Rose Mariotti

    Celine Rose Mariotti became a registered member 1 year ago

  • Profile picture of joe morris

    joe morris published a poem on the site Football Poets 1 year ago

    We wish you well Roy
    Since you were never coy
    With your playful toy
    At the Palace
    Without malice
    Tactics and formations
    Those splendid transformations
    When England called
    You never fooled
    Those who […]

  • Profile picture of John Ellis

    John Gilbert Ellis commented on a poem on Football Poets 1 year ago

    I’d like to think some of my scarves might get passed down the generations, but can’t see some of the “quality merchandise” I have making much past my son’s generation. They’ll fall apart before he even has kids, I reckon!

  • Profile picture of Phil Brennan

    Phil Brennan published a poem on the site Football Poets 1 year ago

    Our family football scarf holds many memories, from its time within our clan,
    Some fantastic tales come with it, as it’s passed from man to man.

    Great, great granddad Jim told how he got the scarf when he went […]

  • Profile picture of John Ellis

    I like to be in Afghanistan.
    Okay for me in my Sudan.
    I like to be one team Iran.
    I like to play in peace when I can.

    I like to be safe, without war.
    Bring it right on, early doors.
    I like to play, win, […]

  • Profile picture of joe morris

    joe morris published a poem on the site Football Poets 1 year ago

    Oh it used to be the Theatre of Dreams
    And yet now spirits are restless
    In the wings
    Where Coppell and Hill lived
    And thrived
    But now
    Off stage and in the dressing room
    Haunted and thwarted
    Never […]

  • Profile picture of Bozidar Gacina

    Gacina Bozidar published a poem on the site Football Poets 1 year ago

    Give us
    idea of moving
    Everton to La Liga
    Then we can compete with
    Bilbao and Real Sociedad
    Atletico Madrid and Betis
    May we build our new stadium
    at Costa […]

  • Profile picture of joe morris

    joe morris published a poem on the site Football Poets 1 year ago

    After the international break
    It’s business as usual
    Domestic drudgery
    Toil and trouble
    Pleasure and pain
    The Premier League
    In all its matchless splendour
    Again and again
    Saturday lunchtime, Sunday tea […]

  • Profile picture of Phil Brennan

    Phil Brennan published a poem on the site Football Poets 1 year ago

    But through it all, we’ve stood tall,
    Defying odds, we’ll never fall.
    For in our hearts, the fire’s strong,
    Though times are tough, we’ll carry on.
    The days of blue, they’ll fade away,
    Replaced by skies of […]

  • Profile picture of Phil Brennan

    Phil Brennan‘s profile was updated 1 year ago

  • Profile picture of John Ellis

    Now’s the time
    when football
    stops on the pitch.

    Now’s the time
    when football
    stops on the telly.

    Now’s the time
    when the parks
    go quiet.

    Now’s the time
    the grass
    starts recover […]

  • Profile picture of joe morris

    joe morris published a poem on the site Football Poets 1 year ago

    Hampden Park. Tomorrow night
    A feast of culinary proportions
    The Auld Lang Syne Derby
    Those Auld Firm enemies
    Over a century of loathing
    Rivalry unmatched anywhere
    Scotland against England
    Older than […]

  • Profile picture of John Ellis

    We don’t talk much
    beyond the weather,
    but we can talk football
    forever and ever.

    Drive into the box,
    mark the man in space,
    a shared language, we
    can kick all over the place.

    Your personal terms m […]

  • Profile picture of John Ellis

    John Gilbert Ellis commented on a poem on Football Poets 1 year ago

    Very true Crispin. Thanks!

  • Profile picture of Denys E. W. Jones

    I woke up this mornin’.
    Turned on my TV.
    Bad nooz was comin’
    From the Premier League.
    They read out the rankings,
    OMG, what a fright.
    Cos right down there at the bottom were…
    My beloved Blue and […]

  • Profile picture of joe morris

    joe morris published a poem on the site Football Poets 1 year ago

    For a week or two
    Football becomes reflective
    Gazing at the rippling waters
    Of introspection, four games
    Into the new Premier League season
    And the same faces
    Guises and disguises
    Manchester City, […]

  • Profile picture of Crispin Thomas

    Crispin Thomas commented on a poem on Football Poets 1 year ago

    Play Up Pompey indeed Richard .

    My first ever proper game when i was 10 was Chelsea 7-4 Pompey on Xmas morning 1959, Greavesie got 4.

    First visited Fratton Park with Chelsea (2-2) and stood among loads of […]

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