
Site-Wide Activity

  • Profile picture of joe morris

    In the end we knew
    The Hammers couldn’t possibly
    Fend for themselves
    It all spiralled out of control
    At Old Trafford
    Always there
    At the Theatre of Dreams
    Bowing our heads
    Before the final curtain
    It […]

  • Profile picture of joe morris

    Now for those of us who cling
    Stubbornly to tradition
    And the way things used to be
    It is the League Cup Final today
    Surely the distant cousin
    Of the FA Cup
    That once adorned the mantlepiece
    Of springtime’s […]

  • Profile picture of Bozidar Gacina

    My old poem spoke about
    Luka Modric and
    Saint Luke’s Church
    in Liverpool
    Modric display in Liverpool
    brought the ovations of
    Liverpool fans
    Oh The Life
    and Poetry
    Oh The Poetry and Life
    You all only […]

  • Profile picture of joe morris

    In bygone days when flares
    Had flair and denims had dash
    With fashionable finesse
    One man and one man alone
    Encapsulated it all,
    The Beautiful Game in
    Purple prose, perfectly
    Excitable at times
    But […]

  • Profile picture of Crispin Thomas

    classic shots and lines from games
    there are loads I know
    the freezing figure of the man
    just standing in the snow
    blizzard howling round his head
    empty pitch and stand
    the patron saint of sheepskin […]

  • Profile picture of Crispin Thomas

    call him old fashioned but he had his own style
    churned out facts like an old speed dial
    started out way back in sixty nine*
    Motty was a one off in his own time
    call him quirky and say what you like
    Motty […]

  • Profile picture of joe morris

    The weekend begins with a puff of smoke
    An explosive air hangs over Spurs
    The smell of cordite
    Beaten by the mesmerising Milan
    During Champions League tete a tete
    Now facing their London neighbours
    On Sunday […]

  • Profile picture of Denys E. W. Jones

    Abraham was set to sacrifice his much-loved son.
    The good Lord intervened – Isaac reprieved.
    Agamemnon needed wind to sail and conquer Troy.
    Iphigenia? A nice gift for the gods!
    But some say that a deer w […]

  • Profile picture of Denys E. W. Jones

    An out of work Gaffer named Sean,
    Heard his phone ringing early one morn.
    He accepted a job at a basket case Club,
    Then wished he had never been born.

  • Profile picture of Alex Saynor

    With gravity at a low centre,
    you danced around temporary pairs
    with teams matched up player for player.
    Without seeing, but in your field of consciousness
    you could sense it coming:
    the reducer.

    Their […]

  • Profile picture of Clik the mouse

    We pray to every God
    For all the people lost and impacted in Turkey and Syria

    Back in my early days
    at almost every game
    you’d surely hear the chant
    “Chopper’s gonna getcha, la, la, la, la!”
    and there w […]

  • Profile picture of Sharon Jones

    Big Chants
    We love them at the game
    Getting behind the team
    Urging the players on
    Bit of banter, aye

    But in this so called Beautiful Game
    When is chanting about a vile paedophile
    Acceptable […]

  • Profile picture of joe morris

    Oh why do we do it to ourselves
    The Beautiful Game that turns
    Ugly when it doesn’t work out for us
    A life time of unflagging devotion
    To one team, one narrative,
    That mentality of negative
    Positive, Triumph, […]

  • Profile picture of Kevin Halls

    kevin halls commented on a poem on Football Poets 1 year, 7 months ago

    I misspelt Jimmy’s nickname as it should be Greavsie. Typo !

  • Profile picture of Kevin Halls

    Jimmy Greaves was his name
    he played the beautiful game,
    didn’t really need to run
    instead scored goals for fun.
    Had his picture on my bedroom wall
    kicking a muddy leather ball,
    I watched him play when I was […]

  • Profile picture of Bozidar Gacina

    Mista, Vicente, Baraja
    was the trio
    who played with
    Best ever Valencia team
    you know what I mean

    How to contemplate
    Survival and Revival

    Valencia’s Revival

  • Profile picture of Bozidar Gacina

    Seriousley ?

    The Tranmere are waiting

    But this is madness

    Mersey Derby 2
    avoid that avoid that

    Everton Football Club

  • Profile picture of joe morris

    I was thinking back on sacred days
    Of Saturday and Sundays
    When John Arlott must have pondered
    Lightly on cobble stone roads and streets
    The feeling, weight and sentiment
    Football’s greater insignificance
    In […]

  • Profile picture of Stuart Butler

    It must have been 1965,
    We were having a lunchtime kick-about.
    ‘It’s Good News Week’ by Hedgehoppers’ Anonymous
    Was playing on someone’s transistor
    Just behind the goal nearest the school,
    Someone was puffi […]

  • Profile picture of Denys E. W. Jones

    They said we were ungrateful,
    When we sacked Allardyce.
    And now we’ve fired Frank Lampard –
    We really are not nice.

    But football’s about winning,
    We’re hungry for success,
    So poor old Frankie had […]

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Source: http://footballpoets.org/activity/?acpage=23&offset_lower=14715