
Site-Wide Activity

  • Profile picture of Kev Raymond

    Kleen-sheet keeper Kepa
    Breeched three times
    Down near Brighton Beach.

    Dumped on by The Sea-Gulls
    All at sea defensively
    Three points…drift out o’ reach.

    “Oi ref! Change goalie?”, makes no dif […]

  • Profile picture of Sharon Jones

    There’s no Heathcliff pulling on his boots
    And Rochester does not aim to shoot
    Three sisters may well be cheering from the stand
    But not the Brontes, Charlotte, Emily or Anne
    But the wind it whittles as it […]

  • Profile picture of joe morris

    Now here’s a word or two
    To you all on Football Poets
    Waxing lyrical superbly so
    Yours truly now in print
    The book is called Football’s Poetic Licence
    Let the mind set you free
    On the highway to football’s […]

  • Profile picture of Crispin Thomas

    migrant workers meagre wages
    lacking in support
    dying in the searing heat
    in the name of sport
    all are welcome so they claim
    we know that’s not true
    there’s no understanding
    of LGBTQ
    women made to live […]

  • Profile picture of Kev Raymond

    “T’was a fabulous left-footer Mateo…l have to say…
    Streaking forward, to score a goal, fit to win any game
    Though I barely recognised you…fully clothed after Saturday”,
    T’was a flash o’ pure brilliance…excu […]

  • Profile picture of Alex Saynor

    I knew it would happen; we missed the window.
    Our boat didn’t come in and nor did we swim to it.

    Our chairman had a month at Cowes Week.
    The vice-president got trapped in industrial brioche,
    was stuck in […]

  • Profile picture of joe morris

    So it is that we learn
    That Rishi Sunak is a Saint
    Southampton through and through
    Preaching the gospel of those
    Who pay their hard- earned cash
    At St Mary’s
    Angelic, a paragon of virtue
    Always early for […]

  • Profile picture of Kev Raymond

    Hordes o’ screaming travelling Manc’s
    Agog, up in The Gods stood giving thanks
    When that last gasp header crept in on full-time
    Appeared mysteriously dumb-struck
    At a partner, girl-friend, wife, sister, mum […]

  • Profile picture of Kev Raymond

    A ruse to suss-out her current beau
    Brede asked him would he like to go…
    “Over The Bridge”, to pay homage to the chaps
    “You mean…you’re like a die-hard Chelsea fan?”,
    “S’right babe, bleating proud of it I am […]

  • Profile picture of Clik the mouse

    I would opine
    much more online

    “password not accepted”

    so I try password this
    password that
    password another
    but I even forget
    the maiden name of my mother!

    And so I switch
    from the ether […]

  • Profile picture of joe morris

    We always had a soft spot for
    Leyton Orient
    Claret and blue neighbours
    Do come in for an amiable chat
    Banter over the garden fence
    West Ham and Leyton Orient
    Derby by close proximity
    But always with […]

  • Profile picture of Kev Raymond

    Ah, those Clapham Common morning games
    Getting stuck in…to likewise puny frames
    A crunching tackle, deemed bravado, sport or fun
    The restraint a combatant need show
    To dealing a fitter young fella…The E […]

  • Profile picture of joe morris

    The deja vu mentality
    At Anfield, yet never
    Felt like singing the blues
    For claret and blue
    Choristers, resignation
    Mapped on their faces
    Like the last spots of pink
    Of the empire,
    West Ham denied […]

  • Profile picture of Crispin Thomas

    It rarely garners plaudits
    it often ushers pain
    those masters of the darkest art
    who waste our time again
    the dragging to the corner flag
    that Shangri-La of spaces
    the long slow walk to be replaced […]

  • Profile picture of Crispin Thomas

    Crispin Thomas commented on a poem on Football Poets 1 year, 11 months ago

    Shoot! (Something we’ve also been screaming in vain at our team all season !)

    Great memories Joe . Before Shoot, it was Roy of the Rovers comic too, dropping through my letterbox.

    Anxiously waiting each week […]

  • Profile picture of Clik the mouse

    The Hand of God ball
    is up for grabs!
    To be auctioned
    to the highest bidder.

    And because he is no longer with us
    it won’t go to the maximal fibber!
    (God bless his memory
    for Diego is footballing d […]

  • Profile picture of joe morris

    There was a time when football mags
    Fixtures and ladders and then the tags
    Needed literature of the finest words
    Thursday mornings with those serenading birds
    It was Shoot for all seasons
    For no particular […]

  • Profile picture of Bozidar Gacina

    The ball for football game is missing for
    The Angels, The Noah
    The first woman Eve
    and all our friends from The Scriptures

    Nowhere they played the footbal
    The most beatiful game

    But the football […]

  • Profile picture of Crispin Thomas

    Even if your owner’s an eco millionaire
    When the bubble bursts a bit you learn to fight despair
    Remembering that months ago we had ourselves a time
    Cheering dancing in the stands the champagne flowed […]

  • Profile picture of joe morris

    Still the Gunners bring
    Out the cavalry and infantry
    A battalion of the battle hardened
    Red blooded in method
    And intent
    Today rolling back
    The years to Cup Finals
    Of 1950 and 71
    When Liverpool were […]

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Source: http://footballpoets.org/activity/?acpage=28&offset_lower=14610