
Site-Wide Activity

  • Profile picture of Sharon Jones

    Sharon Jones commented on a poem on Football Poets 2 years, 2 months ago

    Good to see you are still writing your wonderful football poetry John. All the best.

  • Profile picture of joe morris

    You must remember those days of yore
    When we were the burgeoning age of four
    On the streets and roads
    Where we unlocked the codes
    Of youth and childhood
    Or maybe we could
    In rags and clothes with […]

  • Profile picture of Sharon Jones

    Sharon Jones commented on a poem on Football Poets 2 years, 2 months ago

    Thank you Clik. Football like Christmas never fails to take us back along the corridors of childhood.

  • Profile picture of John J O'Connor

    We’ll start with chairman Arthur WAITE
    Who built us our New Stand
    Got us up to the Old First in 69
    And had the Palace future planned.

    Then our Jewish winger Mark LAZURUS
    Who down the right would cause s […]

  • Profile picture of joe morris

    Now Yesterday Macca
    Rolled back the years
    To misty decades
    Of 1960s decadence
    When excess and
    Beatlemania ruled
    The world and
    Sir Paul McCartney
    Was a young and fertile mind
    With designs on […]

  • Profile picture of Clik the mouse

    Clik The Mouse commented on a poem on Football Poets 2 years, 3 months ago

    A simple pleasure.

    And crafted beautifully.

  • Profile picture of Clik the mouse

    There’s a lot going on, out on the pitch
    To-ing and fro-ing
    Scenting and marking
    A multitude of personal battles
    As they hunt the ball

    Look at this pair –
    Chasing down the line
    Shoulder to s […]

  • Profile picture of joe morris

    Now here’s the latest on
    The incessant rumour mill
    Albania’s finest
    But probably no
    Relation to Norman Wisdom
    Where he was worshipped
    Like some cultural hero
    West Ham now think
    Their prayers have been […]

  • Profile picture of Alex Saynor

    The day I found out I was leaving,
    no-one told me. It was on Ceefax, page 302:
    I’m off to Bristol City!

    Maybe it’s time to ride the Severn Bore
    to Gloucester from Sharpness
    in tomorrow’s dusk and […]

  • Profile picture of joe morris

    Summertime dreams
    Lounging by lethargic sun beams
    Football finds its transfer speculation
    For constant illumination
    Without expectation
    Claret and blue anticipation
    You have to be joking
    Amid the languid […]

  • Profile picture of Sharon Jones

    It’s like coming home
    Opening the fixture list
    Checking who we play first
    Then looking when we play them blue noses
    The hopes and dreams new season bring
    Ignite my soul as I count down to that first g […]

  • Profile picture of Greg Freeman

    Never really knew my mother’s father.
    All I remember: tuft of nostril hair,
    spied from sitting on his knee; hoard
    of half-hidden threepenny pieces
    slipped into a sandpit outside the lido.

    In pictures he l […]

  • Profile picture of joe morris

    Oh go on
    One more time
    Before we shut up shop
    And lock up until
    Football’s temporary
    Holiday home
    Must have its place in
    The wider scheme of
    We must hope
    Tonight Hungary
    Will satisfy […]

  • Profile picture of joe morris

    Football now almost at
    The heights of summer
    When cricket blades
    And tennis rackets
    Shimmered through
    The haze in a stunned daze
    Last night Italy and England
    Meet up in a revolving door
    Haven’t they met […]

  • Profile picture of Denys E. W. Jones

    Cazoo and the Toffees agreed to part.
    “Great!” I thought, “We can make a fresh start.”
    But this new Sponsor deal
    Is a Stake through my heart.

  • Profile picture of joe morris

    It’s World Cup year
    But this time at a
    Time bizarrely close
    To mince pie, turkey
    And brussel sprout
    Family gatherings
    And bibulous booze
    The wine of the day
    The lager of the […]

  • Profile picture of Kevin Halls

    Way back some years ago
    in the year of 1953,
    came the mighty Magyars
    the national team of Hungary.
    The press ridiculed their star player
    saying “he’s too heavy to play the game”
    but that footballer was a […]

  • Profile picture of joe morris

    Now Thomas Hardy
    182 today. Hard to believe
    Somehow. Time flies
    But England’s finest lyricist
    Or word painter, consummate
    Novelist, literary genius
    You wonder which football
    Ground, Dorset lad
    Giving rise […]

  • Profile picture of Mike Bartram

    No Hendo shuffle…no Number 7 to show.

    But two domestic Cups, softens the blow!

    Last nights game, just wasn’t meant to be.

    But still a brilliant Season, you must agree!

    It was no mean feat taking […]

  • Profile picture of steve mingle

    For the first time in history in the third tier
    Some misguided souls thought there’d be nothing to fear
    As we sang to ourselves that we weren’t really here
    Away trips to some truly grisly dives
    Against opp […]

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Source: http://footballpoets.org/activity/?acpage=33&offset_lower=14498