
Site-Wide Activity

  • Profile picture of joe morris

    So here we are at the business end of
    The Premier League, City still
    But only marginally ahead
    Of the Merseyside cruiser
    Liverpool, edging nervously
    Past the claret and blue
    Marauding armies
    West Ham […]

  • Profile picture of Greg Freeman

    Greg Freeman‘s profile was updated 2 years, 6 months ago

  • Profile picture of Greg Freeman

    The early April afternoon was glorious.

    The daffs were out, I felt Wordsworthian.

    You’d come down from York to look

    at houses. We caroused that evening

    with old friends in the Railway Tavern – […]

  • Profile picture of joe morris

    None could deny it was deserved
    The Hammers were always far too reserved
    Wembley and the FA Cup Final
    No place for scandal or libel
    A far fetched claret and blue dream
    Saints elevated as the perfect […]

  • Profile picture of Sharon Jones

    Kelleher steps up
    Alisson sits on the bench
    The Cup’s in safe hands.

  • Profile picture of Greg Freeman

    Greg Freeman commented on a poem on Football Poets 2 years, 6 months ago

    ‘Roman holiday’ … good line, Joe. As a Chelsea fan, I can’t get my thoughts together on all this yet. I suppose it would be nice to write something before the Big One drops

  • Profile picture of joe morris

    Chelsea’s Russian revolution

    The Roman holiday is over
    Abramovich hands the keys
    Of Oligarchy and wealthy
    Properties over to the warm
    Charitable trusts, the
    Trustworthy hands of
    Loving benevolence […]

  • Profile picture of Mike Bartram

    The result for me tomorrow takes a back seat.
    I won’t lose any sleep over a Cup Final defeat.
    Replace our red banners with yellow and blue.
    At Wembley dedicate our Anthem to Ukraine too.

    Show the […]

  • Profile picture of Clik the mouse

    Who, or what
    could be better than Messi?!?!

    try me
    bed bound
    in the dead of night
    under the spotlight
    like Walter Mitty
    in a ditty

  • Profile picture of Crispin Thomas

    they’ve changed so much these days
    and long gone so many now
    those looming giant Martians
    that towered over towns
    throwing light and shapes
    replaced by modern soulless equivalents
    but still they beckon […]

  • Profile picture of joe morris

    There was a time at White Hart Lane
    When those who thought they’d endured enough pain
    But then came the Double
    Which quelled the trouble
    Back in yesterday’s when
    They gathered in force again

    Rival in […]

  • Profile picture of Crispin Thomas

    between the pitch and concourse
    the seconds ticking on
    her dad was early in in the queue
    to beat the half time throng
    not one to miss a second
    his daughter stood alone
    the sound of clanking seats was […]

  • Profile picture of joe morris

    At long last
    City have
    Fallen on
    Stony ground
    Spurs their
    In size
    No longer
    And Chelsea
    The title race
    Is on,
    City shaken
    But […]

  • Profile picture of joe morris

    Oh no we knew this would happen
    You feared the worst
    That hunch,
    The crashing
    Thump of
    An earth shattering
    Fall from visibility
    Shattered shards of once
    Colourful mosaic
    Now no more
    Than […]

  • Profile picture of joe morris

    Ah another special night for the Merseyside choirs
    The liver birds in full song
    Liverpool hit the highest notes again in keys of their liking
    Last night Inter Milan toppled from their mighty perch.

    Former […]

  • Profile picture of Sharon Jones

    “Guess who’s been on Match of The Day?”
    “You have in yer big shorts!”
    ‘Anarchy in Timperley’ the soundtrack of
    My teenage years
    Frank and his fantastic shopping trolley
    The genius of a paper Mache […]

  • Profile picture of Crispin Thomas

    never thought love could feel this way
    never thought I’d hear it or ever see the day
    sometimes the words aren’t deep enough to say
    it’s just football love actually

    all of that stuff you just love to put m […]

  • Profile picture of Sharon Jones

    Your eyes shine
    Like Mané through
    Your lips as red
    As Gerrard’s boots
    This Ring of Fire Allez Les Rouges
    My Kenny Dalglish my Ian Rush
    You trap my dreams
    Nutmeg my soul
    You’re Shankly’s words […]

  • Profile picture of Paul Tubb

    I won’t be watching
    the World Cup this year, Because,
    Well it’s obvious.

  • Profile picture of Kevin Halls

    She said he was unromantic
    a cold fish of a guy,
    as he much preferred football
    drinking beer and eating a pie.
    She said he was unromantic
    wished she’d never became his bride,
    as even on their honeymoon […]

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Source: http://footballpoets.org/activity/?acpage=38&offset_lower=14357