
Site-Wide Activity

  • Profile picture of Mike Bartram

    Of footy in the 60’/ 70’S, I’ve been looking back.
    Nobody took much notice of ‘the man in black’
    Those were the greatest days it has to be said.
    They carried a notebook and cards yellow and red.

    W […]

  • Profile picture of joe morris

    Seven goal thriller
    At St James Park
    Oh no through closed eyes
    Another catastrophe
    Leaks through the sieve
    Dripping sombrely
    Through porous holes
    Of West Ham’s fondest
    Hopes of another European
    Campaign […]

  • Profile picture of Clik the mouse

    When was the last time England really got me excited?
    I forget
    Who was the last England manager that I really, really trusted to lead our troops?
    I forget
    Why was it that Lampard, Gerard, Scholes didn’t g […]

  • Profile picture of Crispin Thomas

    how did we manage how did we get by
    how did we exist as fans you and I
    how did we do it how did we survive
    what did we do …before 5 Live ?*

    thirty years ago right across the land
    radio was diff’rent for t […]

  • Profile picture of Christian Wach

    Here is the Top 40 rundown of the most-liked Poems on the Football Poets website.

    The number of likes is in brackets after the title.

  • Profile picture of Rowan Waller

    It’s annoying… but Keiron from Rochdale was right;
    a 2-1 loss to the boys from the Fylde
    and our hopes of survival
    were put out of sight.
    They say it’s the size of the fight in the dog,
    Not the size of the d […]

  • Profile picture of Mike Bartram

    Mike Bartram published a poem on the site Football Poets 6 months ago

    Today at Anfield Sven, it’s all about you.

    We welcome your family with open arms too.

    Whatever their status, whatever their feat.

    The legends today will take a back seat.

    The spotlight today belongs t […]

  • Profile picture of joe morris

    joe morris published a poem on the site Football Poets 6 months ago

    So here’s the deal
    Football’s Harlem Globetrotters
    Are in town over the weekend
    Art and beauty
    Merge as one
    A splash of yellow
    Across football’s
    Kaleidoscope of vivid
    Brazil, yes […]

  • Profile picture of Kevin Halls

    kevin halls commented on a poem on Football Poets 6 months ago

    Hi Crispin. Chris Sutton on the radio has gone for a Chelsea v Coventry final. As we know anything can happen in the Cup, and I reckon we can go to the final.
    We’re still in with a chance of the play offs too, so […]

  • Profile picture of Crispin Thomas

    Crispin Thomas commented on a poem on Football Poets 6 months ago

    Hey Kev

    Let the masses drool over their odds on City v Unted Final, but who knows how pressure can hit.

    Cov and Chels will be rightly labelled as having no chance..but hey …stranger things have happened..

    so […]

  • Profile picture of Kevin Halls

    kevin halls published a poem on the site Football Poets 6 months ago

    The Sky Blues were the underdogs
    not given much of a chance,
    up against Wolves of the Premier
    who would surely lead them a merry dance.
    But the City had other ideas
    a team that just never gives up,
    even […]

  • Profile picture of Richard Williams

    go on go on go

  • Profile picture of joe morris

    joe morris published a poem on the site Football Poets 6 months ago

    Oh no not another
    Repeat FA Cup Final
    It seems only a year ago
    Since the spring equinox
    Brought us the cherry blossom
    Of the all Manchester Cup Final
    And here we stand again
    The real possibility of
    An […]

  • Profile picture of Denys E. W. Jones

    The forecast isn’t too good today –
    The sky is o’ercast and grey.
    By three pm ’twill be bucketing down,
    ‘Least that’s what the weathermen say.
    But my favourite team is playing at home,
    And there are […]

  • Profile picture of joe morris

    joe morris published a poem on the site Football Poets 6 months ago

    And then there were four
    Well, not quite
    The FA Cup reaches
    Boiling point
    Yesterday we remembered
    The heroic exploits of
    Jimmy Hill
    When Coventry City
    Drove his first
    Fleet of cars
    Into Europe
    But who […]

  • Profile picture of Clik the mouse

    14th March, annually; where Pi = 3.14159 etc

    my team could generate Pi for points
    based on: not only winning
    but winning well
    with audaciousness
    with commitment and effort
    with an extra element […]

  • Profile picture of joe morris

    And so the European odyssey
    Surges forward unabated
    Like the rolling stone
    That gathers no moss
    With one notable exception
    The claret and blue collective
    Locks horns with the land of Teutonic
    Discipline and […]

  • Profile picture of joe morris

    Time to roll up the sleeves
    It’s the business end
    Of the Premier League season
    Be prepared for ugliness
    Wars of attrition
    Desperate measures
    Relegation travails
    Trials and tribulations
    Scrappy, hell for […]

  • Profile picture of joe morris

    Oh for the cruel injustices
    Of the offside law
    The very definition of
    A mundane goal-less bore
    Fine margins, sprays and
    VAR, toes, elbows and nose
    Quite frankly who knows?
    The game seemed […]

  • Profile picture of Denys E. W. Jones

    When Dominic finds the Net again, hurrah, hurrah,
    We’ll give him a stand’ ovation then, hurrah, hurrah.
    We’ll all beg for his autograph,
    And a selfie, and we’ll share a laugh,
    And we’ll be all smiles […]

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Source: http://footballpoets.org/activity/?acpage=8&offset_lower=15111