
Dylan Foley

  • Profile picture of Crispin Thomas

    the rain may slant across the hills
    the clouds roll black and grey
    the forest mist hangs damp and cold
    and Spring feels far away
    while supermaket shelves are crammed
    with eggs and hot-cross buns
    and in the nearby […]

  • Profile picture of Crispin Thomas

    * * * * * *

    we should never scorn those left in pain

    but sometimes your hand’s up in vain

    Maradona’s been bitten

    by a dog – not a kitten ….

    is it karma returning again?

    * * * * * *

  • Profile picture of Crispin Thomas

    We stood and remembered the moments
    Like funeral goers in thought
    In fact we stood up for most of the game
    As we wasted the seat we had bought

    And likewise we wasted another big night
    As we fell without passion […]

  • Profile picture of Crispin Thomas

    what do we want from football today
    and where do our true feelings lie
    are we all hoping for long gone days
    or dreaming of pie in the sky?
    have all of our great expectations
    been dashed just like waves on the […]

  • Profile picture of Crispin Thomas

    am I alone here in my thoughts
    how did it come to this?
    we go in hope for football
    not customs we might miss
    when handshakes turn to handbags
    and best friends turn away
    the media circus rumbles on
    and dominates […]

  • Profile picture of Crispin Thomas

    come gather round die-hards
    wherever you can
    they’re stripping our assets
    all over the land
    and the pitfalls and closures
    are beyond our command
    and the old game is rapidly fading
    and it’s chuck it all in if […]

  • Profile picture of Crispin Thomas

    I’ve played at every stage you can
    I made it to the top
    and when you’re there you never dream
    It’s ever going to stop
    and just like when you’ve drunk your fill
    the feeling is euphoric
    Hello my name is Jimmy G […]

  • Profile picture of Crispin Thomas

    you at seventy

    me at ten when you were king

    firing goals for fun

  • Profile picture of Crispin Thomas

    you in those long shorts
    on scrapbook pages and walls
    always my hero

    to ape your swivel
    on concrete fields by street light
    how I tried and tried

    blurred in blue and white
    you dancing past def […]

  • Profile picture of Crispin Thomas

    media screamin’ out “the Cup is dead!”
    “no more minnows” – or so we are led
    try telling that to the Scunthorpes instead
    the Cup isn’t dead – long live the Cup

    try telling that to Reading and Leeds
    fashioning […]

  • Profile picture of Crispin Thomas

    What can you do when you can’t be there
    stare at the radio tear out your hair?
    media don’t give a mention or care
    waiting for the game

    back on that Sunday then came the blow
    booked on a train but beaten by snow […]

  • Profile picture of Crispin Thomas

    who here did not shudder deep
    like some nightmare in our sleep
    pictures we won’t want to keep
    in this game of life

    images on our TV
    acts of inhumanity
    countries in recovery
    football or your life?

    shock and […]

  • Profile picture of Crispin Thomas

    * * *

    ev’ry team and fan

    just three things we need today

    passion skill and grit

    * * *

  • Profile picture of Crispin Thomas

    * * *

    snow time like right now

    ev’rything will be all white

    keep our football live!

    * * *

  • Profile picture of Crispin Thomas

    now this one came in from earlier on
    and we have to believe what we’re told
    but apparently games are in danger
    and all on account of the cold?

    and not just the game but the players
    the pitch and the flags and the […]

  • Profile picture of Crispin Thomas

    Christmas in Afghanistan
    Christmas in Iraq
    Another Christmas wondering
    will your son come back?
    will your daughter make it home
    will you catch her smile
    they’ve been there in sand and war
    fighting all this […]

  • Profile picture of Crispin Thomas

    there’s something that marks you
    aside from the rest
    though the nerves may resemble
    that first driving test
    and there’s something that sets you
    apart from the others
    like bored looking children
    in stores with […]

  • Profile picture of Crispin Thomas

    if winning’s without value*
    if won in unfair ways*
    if cheating brings no pleasure
    then how come fraud still pays?

    how crass and sad and meaningless
    are FIFA’s weak excuses?
    while France move on and Ireland […]

  • Profile picture of Crispin Thomas

    round here in leafy Gloucestershire
    it’s usually quite calm
    we’re used to fans that claim we’re only
    singing when we farm
    The Wimbledons the Lutons
    the Oxfords and the rest
    they turn up with their fans in […]

  • Profile picture of Crispin Thomas

    how does it feel when you make it
    and you’re suddenly part of it all
    what were the nerves like before it began
    when you’re itching to get on the ball?
    there on the touchline about to go on
    the rush is too strange […]

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Source: http://footballpoets.org/members/dfoleyrwinners4/activity/following/?acpage=32&offset_lower=209