
Dylan Foley

  • Profile picture of Crispin Thomas

    who’d be a goalie?
    that’s what he said
    lying there frozen
    the man could be dead
    heated responses
    in the bar at The Shed
    who’d be a goalie ?
    that’s what he said

    I recall Lofthouse
    at Wembey one year
    when barges […]

  • Profile picture of Crispin Thomas

    side by side on balls

    black and white shapes together

    so friend why not us?

  • Profile picture of Crispin Thomas

    we’ve come so far now that’s what they say
    done so much now to drive it all away
    but through my letter box a leaflet on the mat
    it made me wanna make myself a smoothie with my hat

    I read this article I couldn’t […]

  • Profile picture of Crispin Thomas

    Ashley Cole Thierry Henri
    finally got the best of me
    all my struggles all my my pain
    all that money down the drain
    they earn more in just one day
    than I can get in a whole year’s pay
    there’s no connection left […]

  • Profile picture of Crispin Thomas

    forever they search

    football poets and players

    for that perfect pitch

  • Profile picture of Crispin Thomas

    every year every week
    thousands of people across this land
    go to football to sit or stand
    in grounds and parks in pubs and bars
    to watch this game

    sometimes I see you
    flipping the pages of your programme
    past […]

  • Profile picture of Crispin Thomas

    They’re Changing Sides At Arsenal and Chelsea
    Maybe at last the future is healthy
    A footballer’s life is terribly fraught
    You can go for a meeting but mustn’t get caught
    says Ashley

    The midnight oil’s been […]

  • Profile picture of Crispin Thomas

    what is it ? taking us shaking us
    pulling tugging here in our hearts
    and though no one can say
    one thing’s for sure
    it’s up there this feeling

    up there with you and me at six
    sleepless on Christmas Eve […]

  • Profile picture of Crispin Thomas

    Shall I compare thee to a summer buy ?
    Thou art more gifted and more rare.
    Tough games do come so fast and seasons fly,
    And summer’s break so short doth seem each year.

    Sometimes so bright that long sought t […]

  • Profile picture of Crispin Thomas

    I could not sleep I could not think
    I could not eat I could not drink
    the sheer suspense was hard to bear
    until the morning you were there
    I’d check the radio and clocks
    I’d sit beside my letterbox
    and when I w […]

  • Profile picture of Crispin Thomas

    you can search for a lifetime to find it
    a paradise untouched by time
    you can dig out your big book of poems
    but never do justice in rhyme
    to the sparkles of sun on the ocean
    or the waves lapping onto the […]

  • Profile picture of Crispin Thomas

    you can usually tell by the jewellery
    with their shoes and their clothes and their bags
    they stand out in a crowd and are often quite loud
    when the action occasionally drags

    you can spot them a mile off in […]

  • Profile picture of Crispin Thomas

    ‘so this is it’ ‘ there’s danger here’ ‘the scene is surely set’
    ‘and this could be a tricky one’ ‘the biggest moment yet’
    when Motty gives up commentating ‘who can they bring in’
    for when you need a cliché fa […]

  • Profile picture of Crispin Thomas

    I was watching a blind man play football
    and it re-shaped my world into two
    and with ev’ry touch well it showed me so much
    and it changed everything that I knew
    in my life

    I must have been dreaming to miss it
    I m […]

  • Profile picture of Crispin Thomas

    Leonardo Da Vinci

    Medici Verdi Roma

    your boys done the biz !

  • Profile picture of Crispin Thomas

    and so it’s done all over now and gone
    all ended thus in seas of white and blue
    as Rome ignites and Paris growls
    to shed long tears on moments lost
    whilst Italy can dance and sing
    as car horns blare long […]

  • Profile picture of Crispin Thomas

    a power cut here

    not saved by the radio

    only a wind up

  • Profile picture of Crispin Thomas

    have you ever got back to the car park
    having over-extended your stay
    like an unwelcome alien visiting Earth
    to discover it isn’t your day

    and there on your windscreen as bright as the sun
    a little square […]

  • Profile picture of Crispin Thomas

    this is
    my foot
    in eighty degrees
    just before the
    the Paraguay game
    trying to get
    a touch – in between
    the poems & fifteen
    of Bishop’s Castle’s
    bravest students..
    all that way for this
    on all those trains – […]

  • Profile picture of Crispin Thomas

    money yesterday the game was all we knew
    money you smiled on me and said “it could be you”
    now I feel really cool
    cause I just bought Liverpool
    just to have a place to keep all my money

    money thank you for the […]

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Source: http://footballpoets.org/members/dfoleyrwinners4/activity/following/?acpage=40&offset_lower=370