
Sharon Jones

  • Beneath the tinsel and the tat
    And millionaires who preach
    A voice is calling from the past
    My heart it longs to reach

    Like Marley’s Ghost it calls me home
    And down the roads I stroll
    Like drops of rain inside my […]

  • The love of Football
    Like the love of a good friend

  • The poetry in motion
    Upon a football pitch
    Whence a Dalglish turn punctuates
    The essential wisdom
    And simplicity of a game
    Thus spake Shankly, Busby, Stein
    A Nation’s pride immortalised
    Crave rhyme and […]

  • King Luis scored a cracker
    And Nando joined the show
    Whilst Cisse’s in the counting house
    Adding to his goals!
    The Reds sail on to glory
    With the promised land in sight
    Crouchy he just needs a goal
    To lift his […]

  • Football is cleaning up its act
    Racist chanting is not acceptable
    But still the spectre of homophobia
    Hangs over modern terraces
    Name calling abuse threats of violence
    “You’re an effin’ queer” snarls out from An […]

  • Funny old game football
    Each week without fail
    The hacks will describe with relish
    The obscene amounts of money
    Being lavished on teenage chavs
    With mortal flaws
    And these semi skilled superstars
    Live in houses […]

  • It breaks your heart this football game
    Left chasing shadows in the dark
    But lace your boots and grab the shirt
    And pick your dreams up off the park

    Your toes are frozen to the concrete
    Your voice is hoarse and […]

  • Fate deals her hand
    The pitch is balanced
    Boots laced and primed
    But when goals are lost
    To mistimed angles
    The points brought home
    Will not be ours.

  • The mistimed tackles
    Against static walls
    A punctured ball blasted
    Somewhere over the railings
    It was only yesterday surely

    Grazed knees
    Cut and bloodied
    Well earned scars when I was
    Goal King then Bobby Moore […]

  • Liverbird’s wings clipped
    Rafa’s hopes downed by Dowie
    Super Eagles soar.

  • It’s not even November yet and
    Everywhere the plastic fir trees
    Tumble out of packaging and promotions
    Anyone else tired of the tinsel
    Worn out with wrapping paper
    I mean Halloween hasn’t been and
    Still Christmas […]

  • The breath of the terrace crystallizes
    The songs paint pictures alive and vibrant
    The moon peeps from behind the clouds
    Fully gowned she moves in silence
    Closer closer down
    And if it rains who cares
    There are 11 […]

  • Autumn said to summer
    “It’s my turn sleepy head”
    Summer yawned then
    Stretched and groaned
    “Ok, ok not yet!”

    Winter blew down
    Autumn’s leaves
    And froze them to the earth
    “You’re late, you’re late, I just can’t wai […]

  • P Maguire published a poem on the site Football Poets 19 years ago

    The Special One’s a Brand Name
    Like Nike and the like
    Tom Carlyle for manager
    The real sign of our times!

  • P Maguire published a poem on the site Football Poets 19 years ago

    Anonymous as a linesman
    Is truly to be seen and not heard
    Referees assistants? yeah right
    Not famous like Poll
    Grabbing headlines with cards
    Never controversial
    Like Riley
    Well perhaps
    When the urge takes
    An […]

  • P Maguire published a poem on the site Football Poets 19 years ago

    Jeff Stelling Jeff Stelling
    Is really compelling
    Like James Bond
    As slick and as smooth
    Kamara has passion
    McQueen now in fashion
    And Thommo is biased, it’s true!

    Jeff Stelling Jeff Stelling
    His name I love […]

  • P Maguire published a poem on the site Football Poets 19 years ago

    The finest the best in the land
    He’s a star with the mic in his hand
    He’s big and he’s brave with his words
    And he’ll moan and he’ll groan and he’ll curse

    Up with the lark for the game
    The kick off at noon its […]

  • P Maguire published a poem on the site Football Poets 19 years ago

    Caught in the The Mariners’ whirlpool
    The Premiership big fish struggled
    And gasped for air and explanations
    As Kalala’s exquisite volley
    Thundered past Jol’s patience
    And the Spurs defence
    To nestle in the […]

  • P Maguire published a poem on the site Football Poets 19 years ago

    When I was at Junior School
    The boy who sat next to me
    Said that Pele’s legs were twice as old
    As the rest of his body
    All because of the tricks and flicks
    The “bicycle kicks”
    But mostly those late tackles […]

  • P Maguire published a poem on the site Football Poets 19 years ago

    Football could learn so many lessons
    From this one life
    Walking the walk
    Knowing that those who follow
    Do so in footsteps
    Not in pursuit of revenge or glory
    But Justice
    Fair Play for all
    And always running the […]

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Source: http://footballpoets.org/members/scousebanana63/?acpage=19&offset_lower=4339