
John Mate, Are You Having A Laugh Or What?

1 Leave a comment on verse 1 0 “I’m a man for the big match atmosphere
I’m an icon again in a week”
As them Yanks tumble at a Wemberly devoid of all cheer
Throbbing with empty red seats!

2 Leave a comment on verse 2 0 Tis a shame that our heroes are spineless
Like me ould one with out any teeth
When the Euro’s are thriving, where will they be?
Overpaid, and off work on some beach!


John mate. I know you’re the captain of the team that I follow and an half decent player to boot, but scoring a goal in a no nothing match against America at a tepid Wemberly, might make you feel better after the trials and tribulations of the previous week, but it ain’t exactly like scoring the winner in the forthcoming European Championships, where the cream of Europe are gonna be putting on a show, minus England… is it?



Source: http://footballpoets.org/poems/john-mate-are-you-having-a-laugh-or-what/?msg=fail&shared=email