
The Woe Of Being A Coventry City Fan

1 Leave a comment on verse 1 0 They do half put us through it
Every season is like Groundhog Day
It’s as if they’re trying to kill us off
By being rubbish almost each Saturday.

2 Leave a comment on verse 2 0 Like Jools I’m a Coventry City supporter
Sky Blue blood running through the vein
Stood on the Spion Kop and in the West End
When our ground was just off Swan Lane.

3 Leave a comment on verse 3 0 Now our agony is at the Ricoh Arena
Which is now only ever half full
The fans have decided to stay away
Because they find it so dismal and dull.

4 Leave a comment on verse 4 0 Yet another manager has taken the reins
And he’s turned out as bad as all the rest
Now we’re looking at a relegation scrap
But will the players be up to the test ?

5 Leave a comment on verse 5 0 When you’re a Sky Blues hardcore fan
You really do need nerves of steel
Because it’s a never ending rollercoaster
They’ll make you shout, swear and squeal.

6 Leave a comment on verse 6 0 I keep saying I’ll knock it on the head
But I feel like I have to be there
Friends say why do you keep on going ?
That’s easy, because I really do care.

7 Leave a comment on verse 7 0 One season we may just get it right
And get back among the Premier Elite
But until that miracle comes to Coventry
I’ll keep the faith and try and stay upbeat !


I see there’s another Coventry City fan on the site in Jools Hampton, so he’ll understand the pain and agony I go through following my club.

We got turned over by Bristol City on Saturday, and we are now looking at a relegation battle it seems.

I guess I’ve been following the City a lot longer than Jools ? So I should be used to all the usual rubbish we get every season, but I look around me on matchdays and I see more and more seats becoming empty, so fans have had enough of it whilst I keep on thinking to myself when will my patience wear out, and I decide enough’s enough ?

Source: http://footballpoets.org/poems/the-woe-of-being-a-coventry-city-fan/?msg=fail&shared=email