
Site-Wide Activity

  • Profile picture of Alex Saynor

    She was talking to me under the radio,
    under the Saturday food programme
    guests cautioned against innuendo

    who went for humour in unlikely combos
    while eyes sank lower above the wheel.
    If anything can […]

  • Profile picture of joe morris

    Oh for the stresses and strains
    On another exhausting season
    So goes the popular consensus
    In the world of David Moyes
    You can now hear those creaking,
    Groaning, snapping, rapidly
    Decaying claret and blue […]

  • Profile picture of Clik the mouse

    This little-boy-masquerading-as-senior-citizen
    still dreams –
    but it seems
    reality is ever more clear-cut;

    for every piercing pain
    or aching joint
    brings an inevitablility of non-attainment
    to this football-nut!

  • Profile picture of Denys E. W. Jones

    Yuletide is fast approaching,
    And all the talk’s of gifts.
    Old Santa’s gearing himself up
    To work his yearly shift.

    The kids are writing letters,
    To make clear every wish.
    And adults too are at it, […]

  • Profile picture of joe morris

    For those of a claret and blue
    Disposition repeatedly
    At times or so it seems
    A massacre on a monumental scale
    First it was Villa a while back
    Now it was down by the Cottage
    West Ham sunk by the […]

  • Profile picture of Bozidar Gacina

    Everton v Newcastle 3-0
    This kind of brave and
    convincing display
    by Everton is some kind of
    Amadeus Mozart music when
    the passes were followed by
    Ole! and Ole!
    But there is all the music of
    the world […]

  • Profile picture of joe morris

    On the day when
    The FA Cup’s grand
    Bourgeoisie found
    Their station in life
    The January third round
    And those at the higher
    End of privilege
    And entitlement
    Meet the earthy
    Grassroots of the
    Artisans and […]

  • Profile picture of John Ellis

    At least we’ll be here a year from now because
    there’s three teams worse than we are
    who deserve to go down.

    You can park your bus in our midfield,
    drive a tractor through our defence.
    Slalom freely our […]

  • Profile picture of Rowan Waller

    A bitter Marsh Lane for Kidderminster,
    Cup o’ Bovril and a piping hot Ginsters,
    Or something just like one, from out o’ the hatch,
    And then, there’s the whistle, and eyes one the match;
    Both teams promo […]

  • Profile picture of Clik the mouse

    I buried myself in my sport
    There’s no doubt I gave it my all
    For whenever a match was mentioned
    Without fail, I always heeded the call

    Put a ball at my feet
    And I was off like a whippet
    Always to the s […]

  • Profile picture of joe morris

    This hardly seems possible
    Christmas festivities just
    Around the corner
    And West Ham begin to
    Believe that Santa
    Has already arrived
    In garments of claret and blue
    The European odyssey
    Has now taken […]

  • Profile picture of joe morris

    Oh Venners how we’ll miss you
    Terry Venables
    A comfortable seat in heaven
    Awaits you, sir
    Although never knighted
    But we were simply delighted
    To be part of your star studded
    Journey, the voyage that […]

  • Profile picture of Crispin Thomas

    on heady days stood in the Shed
    for six sweet years you were
    imperious and smiling
    as we tore out our hair
    when I was young on Saturdays
    I’d be there win our lose
    and you stood firm composed and s […]

  • Profile picture of Richard Williams

    We’ve all seen them arrive,
    a scarf across their shoulders
    filched from the club shop,
    or sometimes wearing a shirt
    to show their commitment is real.

    Photo op completed,
    before statements for the m […]

  • Profile picture of Kev Raymond

    Sat in the stands (sic) in my cheap plastic seat,
    Eden Hazard in his prime appeared at least to me
    A little smiling faced kid, having unfathomable fun
    That he chose to turn down a shed (sic) load o’ dough […]

  • Profile picture of Kev Raymond

    Kev Raymond‘s profile was updated 10 months ago

  • Profile picture of Ray Miller

    Ray Miller published a poem on the site Football Poets 10 months ago

    The past is another country we visit
    every Monday evening on an artificial
    surface, where all time is extra time
    and those sixpences we turned on are victims
    of inflation, physical contact frowned
    upon and […]

  • Profile picture of Kev Raymond

    Peeling spuds, washing glasses
    Using knives n forks, serviettes and plates
    With us…t’was greasy mitts in a chicken box,
    Blue shirt proclaiming; “Gian-Franco Zola. God!”
    Quaffing Stella by a mega aqueous telly […]

  • Profile picture of Rowan Waller

    Rowan Waller published a poem on the site Football Poets 10 months ago

    Home to Woking, here awoken were the City boys;
    and, thus awakened, broken was grim storyline
    that, with glowering shadow thereto threatened;
    token of our doubtful minds.

    Yet, so doubting, could […]

  • Profile picture of Kev Raymond

    Carefree…we’ve finally elected our M.P.
    But will he turn out be…the absolute db’s?
    Could be eventually. Though…looks to me
    Like we’ll just have to wait and see, won’t we?
    If, or when we get relegated […]

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Source: http://footballpoets.org/activity/?acpage=11&offset_lower=15020