
Being a supporter of……..

1 Leave a comment on verse 1 0 You might have chanced down Harbord Street
at a loose end one weekend…
Or against your better judgement
been dragged here by a friend.
Second or third generation?
Then your forebears are to blame
But no matter how we got here,
we’re all here just the same.
No need to keep tradition
there were easier paths to take
To Manchester, or down the road
but honour was at stake.
We could’ve picked a mega club
or a big ‘un at any rate..
But the club had already chosen us
and we all found out too late.
But whatever luck or fate will chuck,
our comradeship still stems..
From following that exasperating club
Down by the Thames.


Once you have chosen a club….or more likely have had it chosen for you….there is no escape…….

Source: http://footballpoets.org/poems/being-a-supporter-of/?share=mastodon