

“Everyone has the right to seek and to enjoy in other countries asylum from persecution”
— Article 14 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights

In great Britain
Land of hope and glory
Land of the royal fairy tale story
Patrol your borders obey your orders
Spend 53 million on the dome
But close our hospitals and moan
At asylum seekers taking our money
Our homes our jobs our liberty
Lets lock em up before they destroy our liberty
Lets lock em up before they destroy our economy
We’re vallee people we ain’t no racists
But if you cm yer you’ll get ower fists
In great Britain
Built on working class sweat and blood
And oh I almost forgot on Cambridge and oxford
This disunited nation of red and white and blue
Of white male bigotry and children learning thru
Sun headlines and telegraphed lines
Hague proclaims Blair denies
As 58 refugees die in front of our eyes
Patrol your borders obey their orders
But we welcome Hitachi Aiwa Toshiba and Ig
We worship Ginola Zola and Vialli
Yet we spit at frightened refugees
I propose that next time a politician or anybody mentions
The words detention and refugee
I will ask them to look at the dictionary
Where they will see that refuge is before refugee
And détente comes before detention
So –
Ignore their orders destroy all borders;


From “Fuse”, to be published by Parthian Books in 2001

Source: http://footballpoets.org/poems/dysunitednation/?share=mastodon