
Every Hillsborough Story

1 Leave a comment on verse 1 0 There’s a scar across my heart a scar never destined to fade.
A scar I’ve had for a long time a scar that Hillsborough made.
It’s a scar suffered by many thousands but together we are one.
And I know for sure in my lifetime this scar will never be gone.
Some things in life are permanent they are virtually guaranteed.
You can be shackled to a pain forever sadly never to be freed.
So many lives ruined, so many hearts and personalities split.
So many young lights forever extinguished never again to be lit.
But we’ll always have each other to turn to, to cuddle and to hold.
Our hearts will ache together with every Hillsborough story that’s
ever told.


This is the poem from the title of the new poetry book, again I’m really pleased to say that Jamie Carraghers 23 Foundation have supported this project and it’s great to be working along side them.

Thanks for reading.


Source: http://footballpoets.org/poems/every-hillsborough-story-2/?share=mastodon