
Fallen General

1 Leave a comment on verse 1 0 Last year, the world halted, froze mid-air
as the Danish midfield general collapsed
near halfway through the clash, untouched,
his heart succumbed and but for CPR
and then defibrillation he would, it’s sure,
have breathed his last right there, a soldier
on the field of battle O innocent
world of 2021 when European war
was read about in dusty documents
we thought we’d shelved forevermore,
and toyed with just as football metaphor


Nothing much to add, other than to point out that the eleven-line form is intended to correspond to the number of players on a side. Being a fiend for structure, I’ve started using this form for my football poems. The rhyme scheme varies from poem to poem.

Source: http://footballpoets.org/poems/fallen-general/?share=mastodon