
New-veau beaux

1 Leave a comment on verse 1 0 It’s that time of year again
When the hope does you in
Not long til mid-September
All your dreams in the bin.
How times have changed
Since Gavin had a plan
And we’ve been over run
By the bearded ‘New-veau’ fan.
Don’t take that as a negative
In fact anything but
No disapproval from me
Not a single tut.
Well there was maybe one when
He released Kalvin Morath-Gibbs
If that didn’t break my heart
I’d be telling fibs.
Apart from that ‘minor’ quibble
I’m always on Gavin’s side
Now people respect me and
You can say ‘Dulwich Hamlet’ with pride.
In times gone by
I was a laughing stock
Misguided fools labelling me
A bit of a non-league sock
Patronising me remote in hand
With an Arsenal this; Man. United that
You were the ‘loyal’ armchair fan
Calling me the prat.
I always stuck to my guns
Supporting my local team
But even I could never envisage
Today’s terrace beyond my wildest dream.
Middle class student hipster types
Call us what you will
Only thing for certain
We’re no longer run of the mill.
Gaining a reputation
For being totally unique
Glance around the Isthmian
Other grounds so bleak.
Unlike countless seasons past
I’m feeling such a tingle
Proud to be part of our ‘New-veau’ crowd
As we all sing and mingle.
You might not get our chants and banners
Thinking we’re totally barmy
Just accept we’re all as one
Gavin Rose’s Pink & Blue Army!


(I wrote a couple of articles for a new Dulwich Hamlet fanzine, that’s due out at the start of the season…but I’ve misplaced the memory stick I put them on. So I needed a replacement, and did this poem instead. As I save this I have no idea if it will be used or not..)

Editor’s note:

I hope they did use it!
Excellent, as ever.

We all need reminding to support local.

Only for being an ex-pat, I’d be down the Beveree more often.

Bleak? Nah!


(PS, I had to invent a title for the poem, your one must have been lost in the ether, but each poem needs a title for this site. Let me know if you want your choice of title added).

Source: http://footballpoets.org/poems/new-veau-beaux/?share=mastodon