
Paper planes

1 Leave a comment on verse 1 0 The crowd’s collective roar
made the paper planes soar,
some crashing into the stand,
others reaching the pitch
and landing smoothly, which
elicited a big hand.
How they circled and soared,
our long-held dreams on board
before coming in to land!

2 Leave a comment on verse 2 0 Defying all the odds,
we sit up with the gods
and sing loud that old refrain
of Olé, Olé, Olés,
pre-empting summer days
in Poland or the Ukraine.
The Irish spirit sings,
borne on the fragile wings
of each tiny paper plane.


Another poetical exercise, I’m afraid. This time, the Balassi Strophe, specific rhyme scheme and syllable count.
My nephew Emmet and I got to the Aviva for the match earlier than expected and spent a good hour making paper planes from the green bits of paper that had been left on the seats. We weren’t the only ones

Source: http://footballpoets.org/poems/paper-planes/?share=mastodon