

1 Leave a comment on verse 1 0 Soccer is the greatest sport.
Because you dont need a racket, bike or a court.
Or a club with a member ship card to get in
Or a pencil or a pen
Or a stadium lines that always seem to hesitate…..
you could just play soccer while you wait.
Or a needle and some thread
Just take that needle and pump your ball up instead
Or and Target and a Gun,
just play soccer and have more fun!
Or a horse where you start at a gate,
whats cool about soccer is you dont have to run straight.
Look at this list and you will see that being a soccer player is the only way to be.
Just play with your heart and you’ll be fine and let the world or a soccer player carry your mind.!

Source: http://footballpoets.org/poems/soccer/?share=mastodon