
The 12th man

1 Leave a comment on verse 1 0 I’ve danced the graveyard shift,
played hide and seek with the dead,
laughed with the zombies,
drank tequilla with the night,
sang show tunes to drown the eerie sounds,
swiveled on corporate chairs of power,
ran through corridors of neon lights,
their hum interrupting the silence,
occasionally letting the silence get a word in,
I’ve shimmied on the carpet gracing my way,
peered closely into the dark,
made faces upon the windows in the suites,
slowly let my hands be the first to open the door,
if the feeding frenzy begins they can have my arm,
my legs will save me,
running onto the pitch with no imminent danger,
chasing the ball with the spirits,
heading into a empty net,
standing in defiance,
arms aloft with gladitorial sneer,
hearing no-one chant my name,
seeing not a soul,
I am legend in my own night time,
I am also naked…
…and smiling,
the best player never to be seen in all his glory.


Happy anniversary to me. 8 years to a beautiful woman. 1 year with a beautiful daughter. 26 years with a beautiful team.

Source: http://footballpoets.org/poems/the-12th-man/?share=mastodon