

1 Leave a comment on verse 1 0 What is the man?
Tendon, Heart, Muscles?
All these thing and more, for between each moment
There is desire, the rage of passion,
Majestic, thunderous as it carries forth its cargo of hope
Like the blue oceans carry their life
Songs pour from eager lips
Those eager to receive philosophy and poetry
The man icon is received by youth and age alike
His doppelgangers race by in the back roads of Liverpool
They shine out from the faces of terrace-street heroes
They sleep the safe sleep of the well-off, the fortunate
Those whom God did not neglect, or lose
They gaze out wistfully from the red blood that
Once was men women and children, their lives unrecorded
Except in the hearts of those who loved them
They stare out from the violence and war of the nations
Sworn to peace and prosperity (at a price)
They sing the songs of the betrayed
And their smiles neon lit electric ghosts
Shine down from the billboards of Manhatten
They are the color of all the skins,
They are the language of all the words,
They plough the ground fertile and
And with football as their sun and glory as their rain,
They await with certainty the harvest of our love.


GG (April 6th 2004)

Source: http://footballpoets.org/poems/the-footballer/?share=mastodon