
The Height Of Fashion

1 Leave a comment on verse 1 0 Lanky beanpole
Long streak of…freak
He hears this, and more
Each and every week
What’s the weather like up there?
Broken only by requests for items from the top shelf*
Made by grateful old dears
Been sleeping on the rack again?
Can you sit down please, I can’t see
Oh you are sitting down
It’s like being behind a tree
He’s tall – its true, get over it
It really is shortsighted
Every comment ever made about Crouch
Is swayed to diss the heighted
Instead of talking feet and inches
Throwing insults, or taking the mick
Instead of saying ‘the tall, lanky lad’
Let’s say ‘the one who scored the hat-trick’


Peter Crouch must have heard every heightist comment a billion times but still he keeps smiling. We all have features that are readymade bully targets but I can safely say nobodys ever pointed at me and said
‘look at her, she’s five foot three’

Crouch is a good footballer and a good bloke. May his goals continue.

* Please don’t use your imagination here. I suggest maybe a packet of tea or box of Trill or something equally wholesome.

Source: http://footballpoets.org/poems/the-height-of-fashion/?share=mastodon