
The love of the game.

1 Leave a comment on verse 1 0 The game of football and me
Go together like a large gin and T
Like Richards and Jagger
A Cloak and a dagger
Blair and Bush
Dalgliesh and Rush
And like Taylor and Burton
One thing is for certain
My love for the game remains.
Like Tom and Jerry
Lampard and Terry
The Dandy and Beano
Fergie and Keano
For Moore and Best
And all of the rest
Osgood and Ball
God bless them all
Roy Race and Blackie
And the imortal ‘Wor Jackie’
Are just a few of the reasons
Why this man for all seasons
Still retains his love for the game.

Source: http://footballpoets.org/poems/the-love-of-the-game/?share=mastodon