
The New Spain

1 Leave a comment on verse 1 0 Messi, Rojo, Angel, Higuain.
Is Argentina the new Spain?
Seven* goals up to the Final.
Villa just one more than Lionel.
None against since last sixteen.
Narrow victories between.
Has Messi tried yet? How sublime
would one-nil be, in extra time?


* not including the own goal (Bosnia-Herzegovina). Spain was arguably the most efficient World Cup winner ever in 2010 with Spain won last WC with fewest goals of a champion (8 (7 going into the Final, like Argentina)), fewest goal scorers of a champion (3 (Argentina has 4)), and fewest goals conceded (2 (Argentina has 3)), allowing no goals in the knockout phase (ditto Argentina), the first time this had happened at a WC So, Mr. Cruyff influences Spain and Barcelona, and Barcelona influences Mr. Messi, who brings his influence to Argentina. Does anyone else see him re-enacting the Goal of the Century, just to “messi” with our heads?

Source: http://footballpoets.org/poems/the-new-spain/?share=mastodon