
The season never ends

1 Leave a comment on verse 1 0 It never really ends
the great parade
the young fast buck
playing charades
the shipment out
the inward invest
the loutish behave
the goalie raves
the porsche pepper
the Bentley raids
the money spent
on youthful trades
the new kid paid
the old man delays
the retirement party
but for one more game
the manager signs
himself in the end
God sends his love
to the continental tirade
will he won’t he?
an answer awaits
the seaon never ends
but the questions remain.


This is just a note to say thanks to this website for what it is doing and what it is trying to support. It is a great forum for poets to vent their feelings, try their ideas and provide debate via poetry. A thank you must go to Crispin et al, who run the show, for their dedication to this website and the fact that in all these years it still hasn’t veered off the subject of football. It’s the true thread that ensures this thing works.

I have written a number of poems that I’ve added to the, frankly, rather voluminous collection of works, from fellow football fans, which forms the basis of this site.

Like a number of you, football is not the only thing that we write about. I’ve been writing about a whole host of subject matters over the last fifteen years. Football only really became a topic to write about after I discovered this website. So all thanks goes to you.

I have judiciously selected and added a number of my own poems, featured on this site, to a collection that I have recently published. Although the book is dedicated to my daughters, I did want to take the time to personally say thank you for providing inspiration to the football related poems featured in the book.

…so thank you…

Best wishes and happy end of season….

…may Liverpool win the title next year….



Source: http://footballpoets.org/poems/the-season-never-ends/?share=mastodon