
What football means

1 Leave a comment on verse 1 0 Once the match was played
The ocean of our time got silent
The fan knows every detail of the game
And the heaven knows them
The stars know where the other planets are
And the fan shares hope
When the close season arrives
The next game is increasing necessity
It is you my football ground,my shelter
The composition of a team is big association
The historic responsabilities of the football teams
Aare to make friendships
Luxury of Presidential Seats
or suffering of the fans called the ghosts
Football is the great opportunity
To rise from hardships of living
Give glory to the team with your support
But be ready to recognize defeat
The love for a team
Is demonstration of solidarity and brings peace
The solidarity of two opposite teams
Is to give effective example
The framework of football is respect and peace

Source: http://footballpoets.org/poems/what-football-means/?share=mastodon