
World Cup 2002

1 Leave a comment on verse 1 0 Let us sing the praises of Robert Pires of Arsenal
And Marcel Desailly of Chelsea,
Who show that a shared greensward
Is mightier than Le Pen,
For on the eve of our Cup Final,
They told us how many French players
Would boycott the World Cup finals,
If Le Pen was successful in the elections,
And this solidarity once more shows the power
Of “Liberte, Egalite, and Fraternite”
On the football pitch,
And how freedom of movement and expression
Make both a society and a football team;
Thuram from Guadeloupe! Zidane of Algeria!
Desailly! Lizarazu the Basque! Vierra from Senegal!
French footballers who trace their roots to Argentina!
Armenia! Ghana! Khazikhstan! New Caledonia!
Vive la Republique cosmopolitain et multiculturale!
Vive anti- Fascisme! Vive anti-Racisme!
Allez les Bleus!


And let’s not forget the philanthropy of footballers like Niall Quinn too.

Source: http://footballpoets.org/poems/world-cup-2002/?share=mastodon