
FA Cup final illogical footprint

1 Leave a comment on verse 1 0 burgers, pasties, ketchup
wrappers, cans, plastic cups
tv, radio, red tops
lights, camera, action!
a media frenzy
like the crowd –
presenters, punters, posers
listeners, viewers : the fans present, the watching world-wide
electricity, complicity, publicity
a better understanding of the game
of football, and ecological footfall, sorry footprints
measuring the metre of reams (not rhymes) of rubbish
and the cleanest, greenest place to be, while it’s all happening?
probably other pitches, in empty stadia
winding down at season’s end
with groundsmen tending
carpenters mending
and ecologists portending
that the mountains of litter and waste
(excluding presumably, the rubbish centre-forwards?)
could have filled the pitch numerous times over –
and who are we to argue?
but as long as we care
and canvass to repair
the land lost, the trees felled
as long as we’re compelled
to act, to campaign ….
but let us not forget –
there’s the little matter of a match to watch as well !


oh Stuart, look what you started!

A rushed response to Stuart’s editorial today

Source: http://footballpoets.org/poems/fa-cup-final-illogical-footprint/?share=mastodon