
Five foot Six-between the stix.

1 Leave a comment on verse 1 0 If I had grown to Six foot Four
Instead of Five foot Six
I would have been a goalie
A legend between the sticks.
I was always brave as a lion
Despite being very slight
So I worked hard on my press ups
And stretches every night.
I used to hang from crossbars
To add inches to my arms
Spent a fortune on padded gloves
To protect my blistered palms.
But one day our physio told me
The fates had been unkind
I would never be taller than Five foot Six
So all my dreams I left behind.
But now a plucky little full back
The card I often see is red
I can’t stop myself from catching it
When the balls above my head.

Source: http://footballpoets.org/poems/five-foot-six-between-the-stix/?share=mastodon