
I Built a Football Algorithm

1 Leave a comment on verse 1 0 I built a football algorithm.
Tells me who will win
Each Premier match next season,
And I’ve put the patent in.
Converted every touch of every
Player into code,
Placed a hound in every ground,
Each new run to upload.
Added some contingencies
Like sackings, weather, transfers,
Sponsorships and injuries,
To guarantee the answers.
Supporters crashed my email
Seeking freeware of my science,
While the bookies sent a female
With a message from her clients.
It was fun a little while
Having this new toy,
But sometimes knowledge tastes like bile
And swallows with it joy.
I built a football algorithm.
Tells me who will win.
Cruel invention. My intention?
Scrap it in the bin.

Source: http://footballpoets.org/poems/i-built-a-football-algorithm/?share=mastodon