
Up on the roof.

1 Leave a comment on verse 1 0 I had been away on holiday
To see the sights of ancient Rome
But as we approached the north east coast
I knew I was back home.
And on the descent towards the airport
I saw the bridges of the Tyne
On a Friday morning early on
A few minutes after Nine.
Just then one of the cabin crew
Who sounded quite aloof
Said ‘What’s that sign I see down there
Right there upon that roof?”
At first glance it looked like graffiti
Vandals I suspect
In huge letters red and blue
It read out ‘Sports Direct’
It took me a few moments
Before the penny finally dropped
It was on the roof of the Gallowgate end
These people must be stopped
An act of cultural vandalism
Painted on the roof….Nothing’s sacred anymore
And in football, sadly that’s the truth.


Call me old fashioned if you wish but I strongly object to a great stadium like St James’ Park being allowed to turn into a giant advertising hoarding. If it has not already happened at your ground it probably will sooner rather than later.

Source: http://footballpoets.org/poems/up-on-the-roof/?share=mastodon