
Comments by Commenter

  • Alex Saynor

  • Andrew Harris

    • Thanks Peter – lovely to hear from you and thanks for all your efforts.  I enjoy your work.  Agree with your assessment – someone puts lead weights in England players’ boots – perhaps its the urge to be cautious and to avoid showiness/flamboyance…. I know what I’d prefer…Greetings from Brisbane! Cheers AH

  • Bozidar Gacina

    • Comment on Can you be David Beckham? on 28th August 2016

      Being PAUL SCHOOLS is one in 679000 shot.

    • Comment on Football Crazy on 2nd September 2016

      One of the best poems among all Kevin.I remember the match COVENTRY v ARSENAL when MICKY QUINN scored hat-trick.23 years ago ! And I know the famous Coventry goal by Ernie Hunt and Willie Carr.

    • Comment on Farewell Melwood! on 13th November 2020

      I am interested in the tale about The
      Boot Room and Shankley

    • Comment on Tony Dorigo on 8th August 2022

      Thank you. It is great.

    • I am reading this poem over and over again as a part of my ongoing post-match celebration and with the greatest pleasure of the poetry reader.

      Greetings from G.B

    • Comment on Three Teams Worse Than Us on 7th November 2023

      Today B.B.C post on F.B was titled:Premier League reduced to 18 clubs? I really think it may be interesting to see if this would be Everton’s nightmare and this poem is well suited for this concern.If there would be more difficult battle to stay if there were 18 teams.Great poem and somehow true.

  • Brian Mein

    • Comment on Paddock on 27th August 2021

      Boxing Day 2018
      Carlisle 6
      Oldham 0
      It doesn’t often get that exciting at Brunton Park

  • Carol Stewart

    • Thank you

    • yeah, took a bit of thought putting the two parts together so it also worked as a whole. Didn’t know about this site till I started searching markets for football poems/current events – not many! Some good stuff on here.

    • Love the wry humour. Good piece.

    • Comment on Finally on 8th July 2021

      A more than able Kane – nice one.


    • I noticed the officials too and wondered what all the kerfuffle was about. Seriously?? Such a shame there always has to be some sort of controversy. Love how you managed to get all this into verse and so quickly. Not sure how you feel about enjambment, but I’d be tempted to tweak line 4 to ‘Danish national anthem booed, flipped over’. But that’s just me. I most certainly agree with your fair play sentiments.

    • Apologies, just spotted your rhyme scheme. Don’t do end rhymes too often.

    • Comment on Grass Roots on 11th July 2021

      Thank you!

  • Christian Wach

    • Comment on Baggio at the Net on 9th December 2016

      Hi Scott, thanks for pointing this out. I have assigned the poem to your poet profile and changed the title to your original one. I have also notified the site editor and asked him to investigate the other poems that “Craig Wilson” submitted to this site during the period when he was active here i.e. between Nov 2004 and Feb 2005. Please accept our sincere apologies – all content here is contributed by the community and we make it clear that only original work may be submitted. Sometimes, it seems, plagiarised work slips through. Hopefully it won’t deter your from contributing in future.

    • Comment on What’s In A Name? on 25th November 2016

      True story: Hull City is the only club name in the Football League where one cannot colour in an “enclosed loop” in one of the letters. Yet another reason for it to keep its name!

    • Comment on A Game Of Two Halves on 25th November 2016

      I so want to split this poem into two verses!

    • Comment on welcome on 9th August 2016

      Love your name!

    • Comment on Back! on 18th August 2016

      I laughed out loud!

    • Comment on 16 Years 16000 Poems haiku on 24th August 2016

      What an appropriate haiku Crispin, glad you caught that it would be the 16,000th!

    • Comment on Rewards on 11th October 2016

      What a depressing situation. So far, I’ve avoided exposing my son to the professional game in any shape or form – and now I have the perfect reason for things to stay that way.

    • Comment on Curtain Call on 11th October 2016

      I’ve tagged this poem as “Nostalgia” but wish I didn’t have to.

    • [Ideas of March]

      Nice image Crispin, but I believe it’s the Ides of March!

    • Comment on Lament in the Putney End on 8th March 2017

      I hope you like the format when you print it out, Ianthe. Let me know if you think it could be improved.

    • Comment on The Final Third Eye on 8th March 2017

      [you all owe me a beer]

      Next time a player fires the ball off to Margate, I’ll buy you a beer where it lands!

    • Great line – made me laugh out loud.

    • Not forgetting folk hero Robin Friday who started a now commonplace trend by kissing a policeman after scoring against Rochdale in 1975

      “The policeman looked so cold and fed up standing there that I decided to cheer him up a bit,” he explained.

    • Hi Graham – I’m really pleased to see that you’re annotating your poems verse-by-verse. Did you know you can also highlight a bit of text in a verse and comment on that? Hover over this comment to see what I highlighted.

    • Comment on On Our Way on 5th May 2017

      Good luck! Hope to see you on Sunday if I can make it.

    • Comment on When You Win A Game on 24th November 2017

      If? Have you met a football supporter who isn’t? And just to prove it, the next poem is… super superstituous!

    • Comment on The People’s Cubs on 9th November 2017

      Well played sir. This should be a cup-winning couplet.

    • Comment on Through An Old Man’s Eyes on 24th November 2017

      [Where has Jodi Craddock gone?]

      I googled him (not being a Wolves fan, I hadn’t heard of him) and was surprised by what I found. There can’t be many ex-footballers who become artists. Thanks for alerting me to this interesting guy.

    • Comment on The Sacking on 5th February 2018

      I’m just happy that Scunthorpe passed our profanity filters!

    • Comment on House Of Cards. on 23rd April 2018

      This poem made me smile.

    • Crispin, to jump in and answer can you explain? I think Peter was referring to:

      [The four home nations were all there
      And England’s hopes soon disappeared]


    • Hi Peter – to make it easier for Crispin to identify what you’re referring to, you can highlight the relevant text with your mouse and click on “Comment” or “Quote and Comment” to make the comment more specific. Hover over my comment below to see the result.

    • Comment on A World Cup Without Greed on 11th June 2018

      At this stage, all we have is hope. Dammit.

    • Comment on Remembering Georgie Best on 13th February 2019

      I’m 110% with you on this. Spot on.

    • Comment on Remembering Georgie Best on 13th February 2019

      I’m somewhat envious that you have this ahead of you! Crispin made my son’s first game special beyond compare when he arranged for the Forest Green Rovers stadium announcer to welcome him to the New Lawn at half time. For as long as I live I’ll remember the look on my son’s face as he heard his name echoing around the ground. Thanks for reminding me just how important these events are.

    • Comment on Remembering Georgie Best on 13th February 2019

      Shared on Facebook:

    • Comment on Let’s Boycott Qatar on 15th November 2022

      Well said Crispin. One of the reasons for The Ball 2022/23 is exactly this – that FIFA need to know. The Ball is essentially a petition to FIFA to honour their commitments to the UN Sports for Climate Action Framework. They signed up; they should act. The Qatar tournament takes the World Cup in the opposite direction to that commitment. And 2026 looks like it’ll be even worse.

    • Comment on Let the voyage begin Gareth. on 16th November 2022

      [Football on soiled turf]

      This is a wonderful phrase which I shall be using from now on!

  • Clik the mouse

    • Comment on Andrew Watson on 12th October 2021

      A great poem from Llew Beaton.

      Andrew Watson was back in focus in 2021, see this related article….


    • Comment on The Beautiful Game on 8th September 2016

      You & me both!

      I ended up playing Hockey instead, i was just so unsuited to rugby.

      And there was footy talent there… We won the schools cup with a scratch team in our last year (we were the last intake, school shut down when we left – couldn’t better us!)


    • And more nonsense please!

      I’ve always been a big fan of Eddie’s!


    • Comment on The Last Man on 10th January 2018

      But Paul, it’s that same sensitivity that has enabled this fabulous poem! Love it!

    • Comment on Rose Reilly on 22nd January 2018


      thanks for sharing!

      A story I’d never heard before

      so glad to see Rose added

      to glorious football lore!


    • Comment on Ray Wilkins on 4th April 2018

      Thanks Sharon.


      The best always go too soon.

      He was such a shining light at the Bridge.


      So sad that light is now extinguished.

      But he will live forever in our memories

    • Comment on “Lark In The Park” on 18th April 2018

      Great poem, Mr Dulwich   😉


      Being an ex-pat, I don’t get to many matches, but did get to first game of this season, Hampton & Richmond v Dartford. I love getting out to grass roots football.


      And being a pedant….

      It was El-Tel that coined “They Used To Play On Grass”, or at least he grabbed the zeitgeist and wrote a football book by that name, co-authored with Gordon Williams, who was the creator of the telly tec “Hazel”.

    • Comment on HRF Team Ghana on 27th April 2018


      thanks for sharing!

      I’m jealous!

      It made me lookup google maps straight away to trace your journey.

      for all the coaching, I’m sure you got just as much out of the trip as your hosts did.

    • Comment on “Before The Match” on 9th May 2018

      Congrats D P

      I’m sure the winning verses will flow soon enough!


    • Comment on The death of custard on 18th May 2018

      Thanks Peter.

      Quality Bouts Rimes!

      I missed that news item – pity for the town.

      I must admit I never went to watch them – we were only ever there in the close season.

      But we did spend many quality family holidays there with friends.

      My Dad was billeted out to Eardisland (just up the road) during the war.


    • Excellent set of haiku!

      I was going to try to be smart and say

      “short on names” – but not shortened names!

      But then when checking the squad, they do have shorter names than usual!

      Ludwig Augustinsson being the longest name.

    • Comment on On The Tenth Day… on 3rd July 2018

      Kevin, thanks for bringing this story to my attention, I hadn’t seen it.

      My heart and prayers go out to the boys and their families and their potential rescuers.

    • Comment on The Heart of Football on 13th July 2018

      at  least the waistcoat is coming home then?   😉

    • Comment on Ogden Nash debunks Brazil on 19th July 2018

      Nash’s genius?

      How about the Pele of poets?!!!    😉

      absolutely lovin’ it!

    • Comment on Remembering Georgie Best on 12th February 2019


      such a beautiful poem – one I wish I’d written. Thanks for sharing.

    • Comment on Only One Banksy( R.I.P. Gordon) on 28th February 2019


      absolutely fabulous!

      Poem & save!

      We got our first colour tv for that Mexico World Cup.

      The best ever as far as I’m concerned, on so many levels.

    • Comment on Football Poetry on 30th August 2019

      I really, really wish I’d thought of that closing line!

      Absolute classic!

    • Comment on Football / Poets on 19th September 2019

      Brilliant Eddie!

      with our new website format, we can now all offer suggestions on top of this.

      My tuppenceworth:

      AE Housman or Peter Houseman?

      Spike Milligan or Mike Milligan?

    • Comment on Football / Poets on 23rd September 2019

      Lewis Carroll or Andy Carroll?

    • Comment on Hint of Earthy Summer Rain… on 16th October 2019

      Kev….. the Rev, of that place that rhymes with Les Fridge!


    • I loved all Mishi’s poems!

      His passion shone through so brightly.

      Every club needs a Mishi.

      God Rest His Soul.

    • Comment on Away from Imber Court on 11th May 2020

      Hi Alex,

      what a fabulous poem!

      It captures the essence of non-league football, and the travel involved to and from matches.

      “Gathering on a Thames island for a sing-song”: possibly Eel Pie Island back in the 60s or 70s, a local venue that I never went to, but watched recently on a documentary.

      I’ll count myself as one of these few Met fans!

      I played on saturdays (SAL), but pre or post our season, I’d be supporting the Blues / football.

      Given my ‘manor’, I’d be at either:

      Stamford Bridge, or

      Brentford, or

      Imber Court, or

      the Beveree (for Hampton, as was – now Hampton and Richmond Borough).

      Imber Court holds a lot of fond memories for our family – it’s where we went on a regular basis to let off steam. I could cycle there safely with pals any time I wanted.

      I watched Wimbledon champions in their early days there (venue for Junior qualifiers);, watched Chelsea train there for one pre-season (and grabbed a left behind sweaty shirt! Still have it – and yes, washed!).

      Dad wasn’t much of a fan generally, but he joined me as we watched his friends and colleagues play, so a bonding time for the both of us.

      My sister had her wedding reception there, and we had my mother’s funeral reception there earlier this year.

      So your poem brought back some very touching personal memories, I thank you profusely for that.

      But again, in itself, it is a great poem.

    • Comment on Back On Our Perch on 30th June 2020

      Liverpool worthy Champions for 2019 / 2020.

      And worth it too, to get another very special poem from Sharon!


    • Comment on Children of Albion on 16th July 2020


      thanks for introducing us to a poetic form that we haven’t seen or utilized here!


      It sets us an interesting challenge!

    • Comment on Diplomatic Relations. on 6th March 2021

      Not too many Nans like her!

      Brian Moore, The Big Match…. never missed. But miss it still. If you get my drift!

    • Thanks for the memories Gacina!

      We all (Stamford Bridge acolytes) adore Luca too!

      My best friend’s son is named after him!


    • Comment on Hmm… on 6th March 2021

      Thanks for bringing back memories Kev!

      On point of principle….

      I’m not sure I ever paid over the odds for a ticket at the Bridge.

      Nearest I came, was myself and two buddies for the Milk Cup Semi Final v Sunderland, 1985. (pre neutral venues)

      Instead we retired to the Rising Sun to watch it live on tv, with all the real action happening just hundreds of yards away ! Surreal!

      Even more surreal, me, the littlest puniest fella ever, got singled out by some yobbo as one to goad! Aye, by one of our (supposed) own. A Neanderthal from the bad old days.

      Still, we won! And my mates shepherded me to safety, true pals. Unfortunately, Mick has since joined Ossie, but Neil and myself are still flying the blue flag together.



      For the record, Kevin and I met once at the Bridge, true Blues penning from the heart!

      And with Crispin too, must be something magic in those boots at the Bridge!


    • Comment on What Steve Wants on 6th March 2021

      Blimey Dave,

      you don’t want much do you!!!   😉

      Fred Astaire / Alan Shearer……

      We can all dream on!

      Gr8 poem.



    • Comment on Time For A Change. on 6th March 2021


      thanks for sharing!

      “Tug the sub”

      wish I’d thought of that, kushti!

      I’m old skool, so I thought TT was bang out of order with his post match comments re CHO.

      But have to admit, Callum and the rest of the boys have stepped up to the Mark…. (deutschemark – geddit?!?)



    • Comment on The Monkey on 6th March 2021

      Thanks for sharing Denys,

      I always look forward to your poems.

      “Blue is the colour” as my tribe would say!

      And happily, we followed your suit!

      One nil win at Anfield for us last night.

      Though granted, you’ll revel much more in the bragging rights!!!


      (Carlo Thatsyerlotti …… our loss is your gain!!)

    • Comment on Before And After All This on 6th March 2021

      Thanks for sharing Gacina… a great insight….

      I reckon there’s the mother of all earthquakes in the offing….



    • Comment on Granddad on 6th March 2021

      Thanks for sharing Patrick….


      Methinks there’s proper respect….. on both sides of the story.



    • Comment on Touchline dads on 6th March 2021

      Thanks for sharing Greg!

      All of us Dads have been there!

      My proudest moment in life (towering over any game I ever won) was when my lad (“Patrick the Hat-trick”, as in 3rd born) powered in a penalty shootout into the top corner – the littlest fella on the pitch and yet the coolest customer! And yes they won their final! (I couldn’t believe it – he was the little Billy Bremner / Chopper Harris throwback, and yet Le Tiss like when it mattered!!!!)


      BTW…. as to the poem…

      it wasn’t me!

      Yes, I played against Addlestone!

      I was a skinny little wretch that turned up every week on the sideline, until eventually at about age 15 I sprouted and developed… I reckon I was Dennis Irwin before Dennis Irwin!

      Only… I was playing in the black and green stripes of Hampton Hill Celtic…. (yes we started out as green and white hoops). Happy days!


      But as a Dad, my watching brief has been here in Ireland.

    • Comment on Ian St John on 5th March 2021

      Amen to that.

      A player of grace….


      & the poet

    • Thanks for sharing Crispin, great memories, well told.


      so well told, I’m not sure I’m not sure I’ll sleep right tonight….

      with memories of “Sinjon” –  “buzzing like a wasp”



    • Comment on Spanish Dave on 5th March 2021

      “David is the very embodiment of why it’s called the beautiful game.”

      True Dat! (From a Chelsea fan).

      And then…. it takes another special talent to embody that  pure grace into words on a page (or screen).

      Chapeau, Steve.

    • Comment on It’s All Looking Good. on 5th March 2021

      Big Sam and Jay-Jay!

      Some of us “Southern Softies” still hold a candle for the breath of fresh air that was Bolton way back then!

      Great poem Dennis, thanks for sharing.


    • Comment on It’s All Looking Good. on 5th March 2021

      Big Sam and Jay-Jay!

      Some of us “Southern Softies” still hold a candle for what was a breath of fresh air way back when!

      Thanks for sharing Dennis.


    • Joe, that’s fabulous!


      For the first time since the time the song was released, I recently re-watched the video and had a mind to try a poem to match …. having seen this now, I’m glad I didn’t!

    • Fantastic poem!

      From a glass full point of view….

      how many pools pundits have hollered “bingo” and toasted those nether regions as they discover that last intoxicating discovery of a matching score-draw!



    • Comment on A Quiet Game of Football on 6th January 2022

      Yes indeed we have!

      I’m just glad you weren’t among the “halftime and the crowd’s gone home”, but had pencil and paper, or notes on a phone, or just jotted – on a knotted hankie, whatever, that you stayed the course and added to the discourse!

    • verily, a take from the heart!

    • Comment on New Season on 24th June 2022

      A simple pleasure.

      And crafted beautifully.

    • Fabulous John!

      You had me going until I copped it!

      So glad we got Charlie back from you, he steadied the ship when we had a bunch of youngsters coming through.

      We also got Jerry MURFEE from you too!

      And my claim to fame?  I was good buddies with Vince Hilaire’s cousin.

    • Comment on Pilgrim’s Progress on 5th December 2022

      Stuart, you are not alone, in your dichotomy of doubt

      but without dissention

      you stand alone

      in hogging our attention!

    • Comment on Lateling Laaland on 7th July 2023

      Let’s Hope for your sake Denys, that he doesn’t turn out to be from La-la-Land!

    • Comment on Messi’s Baptised Boy on 10th July 2024

      Hi Crispin,

      I don’t know if you’ve see the picture in social media today…

      a picture of a teenage Lionel Messi cradling a baby in Africa as part of a photoshoot…. the family had won a lottery to have their baby pictured with him….

      the photographer has just revealed that the baby is actually in fact Lamine Yamal!!!!


  • Crispin Thomas

    • Comment on FOOTBALL STUFF on 26th August 2016

      stuffy in what way feedback widse Eddie?
      …it will change we’re working on what we can do on this platform..I’m crap at IT but we will get there…..i want sections and the good old World Cops and Euros etc..Nostalgia and stuff….basically themes like before..it was so flipping limited it was a joke…i know people liked it and have had complaints about no dog and no grass ? but it was a nightmare keeping it going..so stick with it..

    • Comment on FOOTBALL STUFF on 29th August 2016

      We must find that cover…Gonna ask Clik if he still has it… it seems to have disappeared from my files? It was a brilliant take on the iconic Moore Pele World Cup handshake… but with Shakespeare and who (Was it Basil the Dog?) Yeah that’s right and we never got the book together… mind you look how long it took to get this site together… if it wasn’t for Christian it would have folded as it was totally collapsing…

    • Comment on FOOTBALL STUFF on 29th August 2016

      apologies Eddie…i received your comment (Stuffy)b y email initially…and i was thinking it was about the site being Stuffy…still getting used to it all…….ouch….

    • Comment on A ball and a field on 22nd September 2016

      great lines Phil…

    • Looking at the two previous poems in the trilogy  as suggested in your notes Denys… on a personal level join the queue for clubs with new mangers on the not so merry go round…(FGR & Chelsea)

      Our hearts go out to you….have you got some words lined up  and are you anticipating another one or two more epic remakes with a different manager this season…or do you feel safe for bi\?

      Just worried you might  need to always have a ……….. …………….B&W Army poem always lined up for emergencies….

      ps Are you sure we can’t have Rom back…how about 90 mill?

      And are you cynical like me (although we never know who to trust or believe in the press…on what players really say about wanting to stay or leave)….but seriously was that whole thing a ploy for a salary increase only!?   I won’t mention Rom but i do feel a poem coming on..re the very subject! Thoughts…?

    • Comment on Strange Shapes of Loyalty on 12th August 2016

      great line Alex….more please

    • Comment on Fantasy Football – get in! on 11th August 2016

      Magnus Opus: an under-used phrase

      perfect  for these early days

      when all are equal ..players ..teams

      and fans and poets share their dreams

    • Hey Dulwich Poet…

      I love this verse…

      Crumbling cinder terracing fenced off
      A few concrete steps in its place
      Pre-War wiring in the wooden stand
      We could disappear without trace.”

      It describes perfectly the state of our site before it’s rebirth.

    • Comment on His Pre-season Debut on 10th August 2016

      Great imagery;  ‘cycling in the air’

    • Comment on In The Year of 66 on 12th August 2016

      I did nick/adapt one line here from a song by Jackson Browne (Barricades of Heaven) where he sings about being in his first band,”I was just trying to find my song” .

      It perfectly describes our search. Not just to find ourselves in life, maybe even in a musical way, but on the page or stage – as we search and experiment to find our own writing style.

    • Comment on welcome on 9th August 2016

      love this line…

    • Comment on Buyback Limerick. on 12th August 2016

      Now the Blues are still trying for Rom*

      Who we all thought was surplus and gone

      But it’s part of the craic

      If you want someone back

      Just pray your bank balance is strong

      *Romelu Lukaku left Chels:28 mill. Buyback Fee: 75 mill?

    • Comment on Always Football on 15th August 2016

      great verse Ianthe…keep on..

    • Comment on Bear Ears Has Welshed. on 15th August 2016

      Agreed Kev we did all feel cheated.but remember..re Thong suggestion ….in the words of Murray Lachlan Young: BBC 6 Music resident Poet:

      “Is it wrong to wear the thong
      with hair bouffant
      on some chaise longe
      drinking Lapang Souchong
      Strong …well is it?
      And is it wrong to bang the gong
      for those  who wish to wear the thong “..extract.

    • Comment on All Yesterday’s Games on 18th August 2016

      Great imagery and lines Andrew

    • Comment on Pogba Rebounded on 21st August 2016

      The world has gone insane with transfer fees and salaries Jane…. nice poem… and welcome to Football Poets.

    • agreed E Power

    • Comment on War or Peace ? on 5th September 2016

      Great verse Peter… and welcome to Football Poets.

      Are you Farmcation too?

      If so why not add those you have put on the FGR poetry page… they’re great… but not all at once – spread them out over a few weeks..

      We also highlight a lot of poems with suitable funky images on our twitter and Face(crook!) pages…

      (Am planning to watch the BT Dover match at the Green Man)

    • Comment on Bobby Stokes on 26th August 2016

      Notes: Bobby Stokes (30 January 1951 – 30 May 1995) was an English footballer, well known for scoring the winning goal in the 83rd minute of the FA Cup Final for Southampton F.C. against Manchester United in 1976. He died aged 44, on 30 May 1995 after contracting bronchial pneumonia, on the same day as Ted Drake, another footballer who started his professional career at Southampton. He was honoured by having one of the luxury hospitality suites at the St Mary’s Stadium named after him, and Stokes Court, one of the buildings on the site of Southampton’s former ground, The Dell. (Editors/Football Poets # courtesy of Wikipedia)

    • Comment on Bobby Stokes on 26th August 2016

      Two great lines Andrew.

      .and you might not be on  Twitter…but your poem with an image of Bobby is on the FP Twitter page today 26th Aug….keep on…

      such a young age to go…

    • Comment on Branded on 24th August 2016

      great Jane.

    • Comment on Branded on 24th August 2016

      Not sure if you’re on Facebook but your poem is for today (24th Aug) with a scarf….

    • Comment on You, Too? haiku on 26th August 2016

      the only china offer we ever got offered for the new site was a couple of old football mugs from the old car boot…

      will let you know when we do the book thing ,,for football poets books on Amazon..

      it was amazing going through just  how many who post here have books..

      if you go on Amazon and type Football Poetry… you can check it out yourself… go well.. keep on..

    • Comment on Super Billy Kee on 29th August 2016

      Would love to have that vibe and sound at FGR…

      …but wait – we do have cardboard clappers…ouch.

    • Comment on Football Crazy on 3rd September 2016

      great verse Kev…always believe the Sky blues will be back….you might as well..as fans we have to…believe ….even when we’re losing 4 nil with a minute to go…

    • Comment on The Beautiful Game on 5th September 2016

      Sentiment shared… happened to me so many times..especially overseas ..where they really don’t really know what they can get until they try!

      My moral is always don;t order a drink til you know it’s on and allow enough time to get to the other places on when there is a few big games on a few channels! But ti sit in ‘your’chair …unbelievable!

    • Comment on The History Books on 8th September 2016

      This poem is up on our Football Poets Twitter page today 8 Sept Mike….see home page here on this site also for link.

    • Comment on It’s a New Dawn on 5th September 2016

      great verse (and poem)

      One of my best mates is a lifelong Wolves fan and used to sell pies at the match many moons ago..

      I was lucky enough  to see the mighty Wolves in the early 60s at the Bridge… Wright Broadbent Williams et al..

    • Comment on What If? on 15th September 2016

      great lines there Eddie…

    • Comment on Shoot Magazine on 20th September 2016

      great verse Andrew

    • we’ve all been there Andrew..or in this case weren’t there.

    • great poem Pete… tried to find a pic of the clock on Google but no joy… do you have one? would love to put it on fbook and twitter.

    • Comment on Bring Back Rattles on 2nd December 2016

      love it

    • Comment on A Game of Two Blues on 3rd December 2016

      Power from E
      works for me
      rhythmic writing
      pace delighting
      proves its point
      by highlighting
      poetry can be

    • Comment on Mister Meredith on 12th January 2017

      Nice one !

    • Comment on Frozen Out! on 31st January 2017

      Nice one Dennis….glad you got sorted here!

    • Comment on Flight 609 on 7th February 2017

      Lovely words Mike

      If you key Munich or Busby Babes in the Search magnifying glass button above you will find all the poesm we’ve received since 2000 on the Munich Air crash (and Hillsborough).

    • Comment on Forever Football on 20th February 2017

      Even though Lincoln are our biggest rivals and top of our National League (Forest Green are third) moments like Saturday excite and ignite us all. Nice one Ianthe.

    • Comment on Forever Football on 20th February 2017

      Nice one Ianthe.

      Even though Lincoln, those mischievous Imps, are our (Forest Green’s) biggest rivals and sitting just above us at the top of the National League, moments like Saturday excite and ignite us all. So pleased for them.

      When we played them here at FGR, we were two up with 5 mins to go and they still won 3-2!

      Likewise Sutton United who are also in our league. We played them in the 4th Qualifying Round of the FA Cup at their place and lost 1-0 on their ‘plastic’ pitch. What might’ve been eh?

    • Comment on Pie Faced on 22nd February 2017

      Sutton Utd 0 Arsenal 2

    • Comment on Where’s The Carras ? on 1st March 2017

      Too right Mike. See our facebook page.

    • Comment on Old Trafford Mayhem ~Haiku on 6th March 2017

      one might also ask

      why was he still on the pitch?


    • Comment on Lament in the Putney End on 7th March 2017

      Such a fine verse….about a place I’ve always loved.

      it’s so well written and respectful to the Cottagers…. that I didn’t discover til the end that you weren’t a Fulham fan, whjo like PNE also harbour hopes of the play offs. Nice one Graham ..more please..we need you!

    • Brilliant Graham, please feel free to do a cartwheel on my behalf.

    • Comment on An Improvised Match on 6th April 2017

      Great imagery Alex…

      Playing in  the street… grumpy neighbours… I go back to my old fifties Wharfdale Street, just off the Ifield Road sometimes Alex.

      It’s barely a bright tennis ball’s throw from Stamford Bridge. We’d play for hours across that little street, stopping only for Remo’s ice cream van. So few car back then. I remember mad scores like 53-41.

      We’d often play til it was so dark, we couldn’t see that little yellow ball anymore sometimes..

      The marking on the old brick wall in streets now lined with cars 24 x 7 are faint… but still there.

    • Great use of wordplay on names Ianthe. Especially liked Lingard… as in a classic Cranberries song ‘Let It Lingar!’

  • Crispin Thomas

    • Comment on Merry Go Round on 9th June 2018

      Hi Trent

      have been emailing you (June 2018) but it bounces back… can you email me on crispinctm@gmail.com  ta C

    • Comment on Summer Ball on 3rd August 2017

      Great poem… keep on… I know the feeling!

    • Comment on Old Harry and his Wife on 10th August 2017

      Just beautiful imagery Alex…love your stuff….keep on..can’t remember where you live (probably not near ‘Arry in Poole lol) but we’ll have to get you up to Forest Green one day…

      Would be great to meet up… if FGR play any where near you too.let me know..I’ll be getting to the odd away game now.

    • Comment on The People’s Cubs on 9th November 2017

      Nice one Dachlan .Great to have you back and greetings from Stroud to Jakarta

    • Comment on Rite of Passage on 19th December 2017

      Great line…and great to find you here Andrew..keep on..more please…just to say…not sure if you’re on Twitter but if you scroll down (here on the Football Poets home page) you’ll find your poem and the WBA programme image on our Football Poets Twitter page..Hope all is good with you mate..I drum in the South Stand with those Vegan new boys.. Forest Green Rovers these days … best Crispin

    • Such a great poem Peter… more please great to find you here… best Crispin

    • Comment on The Sacking on 4th February 2018

      classic words Danno..you mention Scunthorpe? And that  game time or moment does it relate to

      we like to feature top poems on  our facebook and twitter with images…

    • Great lines… loving your poems and welcome… please add some info… context? You mention what game time or moment does it relate to… more please… best… Crispin (Editor)

    • Comment on Childhood Memory on 8th February 2018

      Really moving account of a day a night  Graham

      and also how we were as kids..

      they way we came to terms with things  …

    • Comment on Footie with Dad on 23rd February 2018

      Footie with Dad….what a great idea…nice one Phil thanks for making us aware of this…I wil ensure it appears as a link with your poem on our Football Poets on Facebook page and Football Gone Rogue too!

    • Comment on “Honouring The System” on 9th March 2018

      In August 2016 it was reported that the former professional footballer Howard Gayle, the first black player to appear for Liverpool, and involved in the ‘Show Racism The Red Card’ campaign, had turned down an MBE as it would be ‘a betrayal to the Africans who suffered at the hands of the British Empire.

    • Comment on The price of Football on 16th March 2018

      So true – just like it was in 2000 when this site began Dennis.

      is it any wonder then so many of use desert our beloved clubs…  with our feet …..to watch the beauty and people’s game of lower and non-league

      That’s where and why you’ll find me today , when i can..

      getting there early for the vibe..e..standing on terraces .in an out of the way place .

      chatting to away fans beforehand and after  and clutching raffle tickets at half time …hopeful even for a five pound third prize

    • Comment on National Football Museum on 16th March 2018

      Beautiful as always Sharon.

      When it was at Preston I just stood there in awe.

    • Just brilliant John.

      Felt like I was that kid and that grandad sat by a fire…

      in front of an old dodgy tele and a struggling VHS

      …..living it all.

    • Comment on Ray Wilkins on 5th April 2018

      wonderful lines as ever Sharon…

    • Comment on Ray Wilkins RIP on 5th April 2018

      great words Clik

    • Comment on Homage To A Class Act. on 5th April 2018

      Great verse Kev me ol’ mate…

    • Comment on Ray Wilkins 1956 – 2018 on 5th April 2018

      lovely verse… says it all Emdad… go well

    • Comment on Stadiwm Vibrant Vapours on 9th April 2018

      love their Ghetto Blater Club Shop…worth a visit just for that Alex!

    • Comment on This is Klopp’s Liverpool on 13th April 2018

      I think we shoud have a whole section on Mohamed Salah’s hair…Emdad!

      The things different managers do with different players eh?

      It is incredible… looking back to Josés time at Chelsea… watching Salah forever warming up and not making an impact when he did get on… with so few chances…

      De Bruyne being subbed off for Chelsea at Swindon for berng so poor… i was at that game…

      Lukakau just not fitting in there either… strange…

    • Comment on A Sugared Dish on 13th April 2018

      Great words and verse Attila.

      And football’s even worse now.


    • I guess you have to win 4 or 5 nil in the first leg now…

      and Roma definitely  inspired Juve who in turn inspired Marseille and CSKA Moxcow..some nearly nearlies..


    • The last two lines are lines any fan can relate to Ron… :

      Then in through the turnstile, enjoying the sound
      of the crowd as it builds towards three.


      I still recall like yesterday, the day i was running a poetry workshop at the Cottage . I arrived at 10am to find flowers and scarves and photos  in a shrine on the gates and the news that the late great Johnny had passed that previous night…

    • Comment on Grassroots Football on 15th April 2018

      Sublime Sharon..last verse sums it all up…what it is to follow footie at a much lower but still local level after maybe being spoilt for a lifetime…by our bigger and what we thought was our only club….(Shock horror poet/fan supports two (or three clubs!)

      The last verse …especially for those of us here who followed our first beloved local club to Champs League level from terraces like those we stand on today… to exhorbitantly ticket priced re-structured seated soul-less family stadiums ….

      who are you watching these days….?

      I just wish other people here would comment more on others poems…surely we aren’t all  technophobe  dinosaurs….we  all want to be humble but it’s lovely  to know what others think?  Is it perhaps because we have to log in to comment….it’s so quick to do
      short rant over! Keep on ……

    • Comment on HRF Team Ghana on 28th April 2018

      Great lines asnd what a great adventure …any pics Emdad …would love to feature this on the main home page here… please  email me any images C

    • thanx Clik

    • Good to hear from you Peter..Not sure what you mean by:

      “The images on our TV
      In black and white they transfixed me..”

      …being a bit dodge Peter? Can you explain?

      “We got our first B/W TV in 1957.”

      The World Cup in 58 was in black and white… but coverage was random. only at night except on the weekend (!)  and it was basically whatever the Swedish TV company decided to put out live or recorded with sometimes only the second half live. You can check online. Hence the lines further on down….

      “No choices like we have today
      You watched whatever anyway”


    • Comment on Lev Yashin on 16th June 2018


    • Now that’s what I call ‘fast work’ (ouch) Emdad!

    • Comment on WC2018 Day -1 haiku on 15th June 2018

      quite some epic here
      Willie sprays it on the line
      World Cup haiku’s back!

    • Comment on world cup haiku cuckoo on 18th June 2018

      what is Robbie like?

    • Comment on It’ll End In Tears on 18th June 2018

      You are not alone Kev!

    • Comment on It’ll End In Tears on 18th June 2018

      Hazel just confirmed. Ronan Keating headlining. Hazel on around 2.45pm. Hazel will be performing with Clare Hirst on Sax (Bellestars/Communards/Bowie) & Sarah Fisher on keyboards (Eurythmics) and will be joined by special guests/local fave band The Subterraneans. Trust you spotted Featured Poem & Pic of the Day. 18 June.

    • Comment on Happy To Be Here~WC Day 4 on 18th June 2018


    • Comment on WC2018 Day 2 on 18th June 2018

      yeah i saw that

      cringey or what!

    • Comment on WC2018 Day 2 on 18th June 2018

      Great verse..

      Listened to two  lovely bubbly female Irianian fans on 5 Live …chatting excitiedly about how amazing it is  to wear modern clothes and go to a game! Ouch.

    • Comment on Selfies And A Mexican Wave on 19th June 2018

      just brilliant KEV!

    • Comment on Nicely Poised. on 20th June 2018

      Too right Kev on both counts VAR and missed chances…!

      Dilemma for Gareth…

      …will he be bold and sacrifice Sterling for Rashford… or worry about Sterling’s confidence being dented even though he never scores for Ingerland  and keeps running into dead ends… no time for that…

      and RLC in for Deli Alley Pally… time for bravery…

      nice one C

    • Comment on WC2018 Day 6 on 20th June 2018

      office memories for me…

      and no nil nils either…but that’s part of  another haiku!

    • Comment on A New World Cup on 20th June 2018

      great verse and poem Geoff…

      i might use the pic of Kane being wrestled and saved from the jaws of a T-Rex pitch invader currently doing the rounds  if it’s hi enough quality…..in next day or so..have added the following tags btw World Cup 2018 / Kane/Russia.

      keep on!

    • Watching England Warning~We Are Here For You.

      It’s going ok at the moment Kev but it’s only one match.

      So do remember watching England long term  can become addictive and possibly lead to severe uncontrollable emotion and devotion.

      It might seem s bit of a gamble to call on us for a poem to help you, but we are here for you mate night and day throughout ther tournament and after when it might get worse.

      Just saying.

    • Comment on National Anthem on 22nd June 2018

      lovely words Graham.  You capture it all…

    • Comment on WunderVAR on 29th June 2018

      nice one John….but then they always did throw their towels down early.

    • Comment on Hillsborough on 29th June 2018

      You can run but you can’t hide forever.

      But again… how brave will they be with regard to sentencing?

    • no sadly…it’s my good mate Fred Chance…Sharon..great live music pub…in our village..

    • Comment on Ogden Nash debunks Brazil on 20th July 2018

      Great poem Peter .I’ ve mucked about with the way it appears on the page if you don’t like it let me know.

    • Comment on The Years Slip By on 10th October 2018

      so true for so many clubs Denys

    • Comment on Kick It Out on 11th December 2018

      great lines Kev

    • some great lines as ever Sharon..i really love :

      Football is our saving grace
      90 minutes reliving a childhood long melted into the past
      But lingers, for what are we but children
      Divisively spiritual and calling on disciples to bear witness
      In the form of banners and colours
      With hymns that chart the deeds and disasters
      Of matches won and lost

    • Comment on An Ode to Football When on 27th February 2019

      So  many great  lines here  Nicholas. More please. A big welcome to Football Poets. What period  did you live and play in S.Africa and where?. I lived in  Joburg and Cape Town during aprtheid 1972-1979. Keep on.

    • Comment on An Ode to Football When on 27th February 2019

      So many great lines here Nicholas ..and a big welcome to Football Poets. Keep on and more please.

      I’m really  interstged to know where you live now…and which period you lived and played in – in  S.Africa and where?  I lived there during apartheid long before Mandela’s release – running a New Age clothing shop on Claremont Cape Town 1972-1979 (as you do!) Now I still perform poetry live  and drum on the terraces with a New Age (Vegan) club in League Two (and the next village)  Forest Green .  Keep on my friend. C

    • Comment on Remembering Georgie Best on 11th February 2019

      This is such a beautiful poem Simon and incredibly moving. Thanks for posting this.

    • Comment on Where We Belong on 21st February 2019

      Great words Geof…..hope life is treating you well in Mallorca.I know you  love Wolves but do you ever get to see RCF Deportivo/Mallorca? By the way please tag your poem (Wolves) before you submit it. I’ve done it for you this time time. cheers. C

    • Comment on Only One Banksy( R.I.P. Gordon) on 23rd February 2019

      As Phil Tuffnell would say on Question of Sport :

      “Good shout John!”

    • As a child I drew crowds; row upon row,
      fifteen thousand little circles for the fans,

      such a great line…bewcause we all did…and  golaposts  nets and floodlights too…

    • Such great words Ray.   So evocative of that time of innocence  Kepp on mate. More please. It will be  under the Nostaglia section too.

    • Wow. That is a fantastic tale John.Thank you. Funny and sad but hysterical. You totally captured the vibe back then.I was too small to see in those huge crowds at the Bridge when i first went to Chelsea on Dec 25 ’57 (Chelsea 7-4 Portsmouth (when Greaves scored 4) but remember …ev’ry week so well …the old Peanut sellers chucking their peanuts to the crowd .And then us chucking our sixpences back .(Tanner a bag) And then stamping on them or chucking back the shells at our mates and the cops too. God Bless Mrs Michella the Crystal Palace peanut seller….and all long gone peasnut sellers.

    • great three lines Alex…table football..says it all

    • Comment on Burial of the Dead on 21st November 2019

      Thank you Al and Welcome to Football Poets..

      Too often in the shadow and wake of Hillsborough, Bradford and Heysel, your powerful and emotive lines remind us of a tragic day when 66 died and many more were injured at Ibrox .


    • Comment on Game – In Two Halves on 21st December 2019

      Editor Note
      Welcome to Football Poets Tony. More please! Keep on.

    • Wow big time Sharon. Congratulations and how amazing Klopp quoting you in the headline. Although a possibly misconstrued comment towards a loyal female fan… if it was defintely towards you!?lol

      Also you beat me, re you name on the back the L’pool shirt, because when that lovable rogue Mickey Thomas played for Chels (who I still also follow ) alongside my number one local team Forest Green +Dulwich Hamlet and Whitehawks, names weren’t yet on ther back of shirts. They came in around 93/94 I think? .

      Can’t believe we’ve been running this site ev’ry day for 20 years! Remember Parry’s Post ! Hope all’s good with you through Covid. All the best Sharon

    • Comment on Pitchless Blade on 16th July 2020

      Great Lines Leonie…sentiment shared..but we will get through this..And think how anazing it will be be to get back to to our grounds, our friends and our teams…

      best Crispin

    • Comment on Any F***ing Old Iron on 16th July 2020

      Hi Martyn

      I tried to find a pic of the old Crittall gates at Braitntree to feature on the page with your poem,  without sucess.Was interested to see them.

      As a regular Forest Green fan (don’t scream!) I’m really familiar with the Iron iron and meeting up with your fans when they came up here on the hill for games.

      I also still  remember well, the NL 2015 play offs and how close you came back in the Cowley (pre-Lincoln/Huddersfield) days v Grimsby, who we of course lost to at Wembley.

      Keep on.  Crispin

    • Comment on Children of Albion on 16th July 2020

      Hi Neil -hope you’re happy with the way it’s laid out. (Thanks Christian). I think from memory, this is the first ever hay(na)ku on Football Poets here on this or the old site in 20 years!

      Coincidentally, re C.O.A, Michael Horovitz is very much associated with Stroud and Slad in particular (also the home of Laurie Lee.)

      Stroud is  where Football Poets as a website began in 2000 and where Michael’s son Adam Horovitz lives. Adam is a fine pastoral and performance poet and a good friend. If you do a search in the search button he does have 4 football poems on here being a Sunderland fan.

      Stroud is also close to Forest Green Rovers, who I follow regularly these days, and is also where I am based. I grew up  close to Stamford Bridge in London having followed Chelsea for 50 years

      Re WBA… Great community club. I worked there several times in the 2000s running anti-racism football poetry workshops with young local school students, as part of their Football In The Community programme

      Best wishes


    • Comment on Who are you, Cazoo? on 29th July 2020

      Woohoo….sentiment shared Denys.

      I thought the huge No 3 on Chelsea’s new shirts strange enough.

      Keep on mate.. C

    • Comment on Grace on 6th September 2020


      This request from Gavin via the site. Can you get back to him please. If you don’t want to do it let me know, I might have a go.

      Name: Gavin Blackwell

      Email: gavinleelee@hotmail.co.uk

      Message: Hi,

      I am looking to make contact with Sharon Jones to see if can or someone could write a poem from my article The Brutality of life of the football Physio?

      Best Regards

      Gavin Blackwell

    • Comment on Grace on 6th September 2020

      Hi again

      This message from Ken via the site.

      Ken Storey

      mail: kensart@talktalk.net

      Message: Message for Sharon Jones. I hadn’t been able to contact you as your email seems to have lapsed and would like to know if you still want your Liverpool Christ painting. Let me know if you want it and when you can pick it up from me at 27 Mentmore Road L18 4PU. Hope you are well. Best wishes Ken Storey

    • Comment on Grace on 18th September 2020

      nice one sorting a pic to go with..off to a trial run with several hundfred masked fans v Bradgford at FGR tomorrow

    • Comment on One Law For Them on 4th October 2020

      So true mate.

      You’re certainly  not alone in your thinking. I get incensed sometimes.

      Aside from the endless and stillwith its -here once labelled  Fergie Time moments ,we now have VAR with  its far off decisions by supposed ‘neutrals’ .

      So …the  supposed influenced ‘integrity’ of refs and neutrals favouritism ?

      You could tuck it away into some corner and call it yet  another football conspiracy theory, (like analyzing  and searching to find which teams refs follow and VAR assistant refs (if we knew ) but it  still occurs too often for me.

      It raises the question is there such a thing a a real neutral. Everyone who watches football definitely  supports or has a soft spot for some club however tenuous..

      BTW When  I was 10 and the Munich Air Crash happened.   i (and many at my school in Fulham) was a Chesea fan but took United on as my second lcub for a season through that awfdul time.   Now FGR are my life and my team  in the next village and i drum (when we get back)  on the terrace at 72 with the young kids and scoff vegan pies and get bwind Dale’s green vision for the planet …

      Go well Attila and stry safe with your good lady….

      Best   Crispin

    • Hi Sharon


      Please see my private message re  arecent use of one of your poems  from Manchester  cheers C

    • Comment on How You Keep Your Ruins on 20th May 2021

      Great verse….says it all Alex C

    • Comment on We finally did it. on 11th May 2021

      Well done Dennis…..i have to say at Christmas i had written Bolton off.Will you be able to hang on to the ever-roaming Doyle.

      I watched both games v FGR ….what a difference…

      Now Rovers face a tricky Play off v Newport…

      go well mate….C

    • Great poem and memory..I hated heading a Casey playing for my school.

      Good luck to Tranmere v Morecambe in the L2 Play Offs..unless of cxourse.. we (FGR) get past Newort and have to play you agan at Wembley!  C

    • Nice one Steve .. bet you can’t wait to get back to doing live gigs….keep on  best C.

    • Brillant Sharon. Take me back!

    • Thanks Greg for your valued slant on the sad booing of The Knee’ in both Riverside England pre-Euros friendlies this week.

      We love Paul Canoville and all that he stands for on this site. Stuart Butler and I have both worked with him at Chelsea and Clik The Mouse is a huge lifelong Blues fan. I’m incredibly proud to be mentioned in his book Black & Blue. Paul’s story is phenomenal, the things he endured.

      Keep them coming Greg and let’s hear more  from you in the Euros.  Crispin

    • Comment on The Pessimistic Predictor on 11th June 2021

      Loving the coach’s ‘why we went out of the tournament’  clichés John!   We can but dream though.

    • Comment on Worse Things Happen At Sea on 12th June 2021

      Great imagery Steve. Ran into a mate who is a City fan yesterday…It’s hard to take but a journey. At least you have the Euros to focus on…keep on ..More please.

    • Comment on Teenage Kicks on 23rd June 2021

      Actually my Paint Drying poem was inspired by your poem: ‘Here We Go Again’ Kev! Crispin

      (Re Inspired by Crispin’s poem here’s some verses on England’s Euros journey so far.)

    • Comment on Get The Beer In on 5th July 2021

      Totally agreed Kev .I’ve watched all the other games at home on my own, til now .Stuart and I are gonna watch the semi final from our own table at our local the Albert.

      Bring it on.

    • A sobering reminder  ..thanks for posting Carol

    • Comment on Grass Roots on 9th July 2021

      lovely imagery Carol

    • Comment on Paddock on 24th August 2021

      Great feeling of being in amongst the fans as the goals fly in. 5 nil? Whose paddock is it though?????

      We had a mad day like that on Saturday at Forest Green  v Crawley (6-3!)

      Welcome to Football Poets Brian.. more please !

    • Comment on Paddock on 29th August 2021

      maybe see  you at the Fully Charged New Lawn then? Have had some great chats  with CU fans before League & Cup  games…best C

    • Comment on That Photo of Jimmy Greaves on 22nd September 2021

      Welcome to Football Poets Michael .Lovely words.

    • I arrived to run a  a football poetry workshop with local school students  for Fulham FC Footbal In The Community at the Cottage. The news had come through  late the night before.  that Johnny had left us. Flowers and scarves were allready appearing on the railings.Saw him play many times. great player.

    • Comment on ‘Sir Roger’ on 29th September 2021

      Re ‘Sir Roger’ by Mike Bartram :

      A lovely moving tribute Mike.

      It’s also now  now featured in  ‘Your RIP Poems’ the section  under IN MEMORIAM on the home page.

      All the best mate.  C

    • Comment on It Was Beautiful Then on 29th September 2021

      Great words in ‘It Was Beautiful’  Sept 29,  and so true Mike  .

      A sentiment shared by so  many who write here.

      This poem now also takes pride of place appearing under ‘Your Nostalgia Poems’ in Crispin’s Cormer on the home page.

    • Welcome to Football Poets Gally G!

      Great verse (and poem).

      I’m sure  imagery and memories  and future hopes will trigger so much for those who write here.

      More please.



    • So evocative Greg. We used to travel to games without maps just waiting for the floodights to appear….



    • Comment on Euro 2020 on 15th November 2021

      Good to have you back Steve.

      If you’re over here in March when Orient play FGR again it would be good to say hello. Hopefully you won’t  need a raincoat.

      Tough league L2.   all the best C

    • so true.Sharon..

      .in our stand at Forest Green we don’t leave til the whole team and the manager come over.. but the exodus of those  desperate to beat the traffic in the main stand  is unbelievable..


    • More thoughts on those leaving before the end of the game…and dead on the final whistle…

      What really cracks me up is that fans set from home really early and often arrive sometimes an hour ot two hours before a game .They eat, drink and talk to mates or/and  watch an early Sky game, often only going to stand or to their seat minutes before the start.

      ‘Is This A Fire Drill?’ But come the end they’re off that second,  desperate to save time getting home.Sometimes it’s better to hang around meet up with mates again ..win or lose.. and wait for traffic to ease…

      Just saying.

    • Comment on Reasons Why Your Team Lost on 18th January 2022

      “Are you – and this is the most important –
      wearing your lucky pants?”

      (from ‘Reasons Why You Lost’ by Joe Williams)


      But when  it’s cold like tonight at FGR v Mansfield its the Lucky Long Johns..

      Rave on Lucky Pants.


    • Comment on My dad. on 27th March 2022

      Re: first verse of ‘My dad’ by Joe Morris..

      Great words Joe…Moving.

      It also reminds me, of all the people that I’ve been with in my life that just didn’t get football at all, full stop. So basically you never mentioned it, unless you enjoyed dumbfounded stares or extensive yawns! .

      People who I talked with at length  , often on their level, about loads of other stuff we both  loved and like you basically everything but football!

      This coincdentally included  my  strange dad : David Thomas : a brillant bohemian beatnik CND and Peace loving artist.  He was someone who, being a very  young writer and artist myself , with whom I could have had and shared  so much stuff in common, but who I only finally met when I was 15.

      As a result, and with the over-riding presence at atmosphere of his new partner and new step-son, I only actually got to see him intermittently very briefly for around 20 years, before he passed on..

      Your poem also reminds me of John Lennon’s words from the song ‘Julia’:

      Half of what i say is meaningless,

      but i say it just to reach you..”

    • Comment on Decline and fall on 22nd March 2022

      …Fan is short for fanatic.
      Empires fall. Football’s
      nowhere near
      as important
      as life and death…..


      Great words Greg..keep on …best… C

    • Comment on The End Is In Sight on 24th March 2022

      Tell me about it Kev…!!!!!

      Great emotion …just how  we’re feeling here in leafy Glos!

      best C

    • Comment on The Worst Match I Ever Saw on 26th March 2022

      Great imagery Joe …but I struggeled to read it in the fog at first…

    • Thanks for your poem Emdad.

      Interesting and forgotten tale. I also watched the Nevin documentary.

      best C

    • Comment on We Can Be Heroes on 2nd August 2022

      Yeah Sharon….

      We can be heroes for ever and ever
      What d’you say?

      And this is for Lily Parr, Dik Kerr Ladies and all who played before.1915-1970 and the 1984 girls too..All those in the past 20 years .All heroes and their parents and guardians too  for supporting them when the FA didn’t.

      I agree with Chlesea’s Emma Hayes.Take it away from the FA for doing sweet FA.  Old boys boardrooms again.

      Football is for everyone and should be available for everyone in in all schools everywhere.Girls games. Boys games. Mixed games. Disabled games . Blind games.


    • Comment on The old Stamford Bridge on 4th September 2022

      see above

    • Comment on The old Stamford Bridge on 4th September 2022

      Great memories Greg. Took me right back.

      Today I stand on a small terrace in the hills where I live watching Forest Green Rovers in L1, and keep up with Chelsea on highlights.  It’s a far cry and a world away from those times when I lived as a child within walking distance of ‘The Bridge’ – just off the Ifield Road, which led to Fulham Road. The Blues were rubbish for so long, but we loved them and somehow we stayed in the old First Division for so many seasons. And  of course we got to see Greavesie at his impudent best, scoring goals for fun. Mad unpredictable games where we’d score 4 and let in five.

      The looming floodlights in the dark and mist on magic night games. The big games when the ground heaved.

      I don’t think we ever realized how magical and incredible it was back then. The atmosphere and arriving there so early – like you said.. just to make sure you got in. Back when Bovril, tea and cake and roasted peanuts for sixpence a back were just about all on offer.

      Good times.

    • Comment on Shoot magazine on 18th October 2022

      Shoot! (Something we’ve also been screaming in vain at our team all season !)

      Great memories Joe . Before Shoot, it was Roy of the Rovers comic too, dropping through my letterbox.

      Anxiously waiting each week to see if they survived in the mexcian jungle after an ambush..or a pre-season earthquake!

    • Comment on Let’s Boycott Qatar on 8th November 2022

      Hi Guys

      Re ‘Lets Boycott Qatar ‘ poem

      You probably hate me banging on..and problably know (like me) that my/your not watching the World Cup in Qatar will make no difference.

      Of course it won’t. That’s not the point.

      OK someone might possibly eventually publish a minimal drop in terrestrial TV viewer numbers, but I fear that is unlikely.

      But please above all, do  go on writing poems about the World Cup, as/you we have always done. I hate to think a poem or two of mine might l make you feel bad about comenting on a game or country …or that I’ve put you all off  about wanting to contribute.

      So we’d love to hear from you and read your thoughts and observations, as ever on what’s going on.

      Some of us have been here since Football Poets website  birth/inception for the Euros 2000 ….

      All my best wishes


    • Comment on The Blyth bus on 1st July 2023

      Lovely imagery in your Blyth poem Greg


    • Comment on The Season Opener on 27th August 2023

      Hey Rowan

      Tough line up of opening fixtures but werlcome to the National League and to Football Poets.

      I’ve often passed your ground but never actually been.

      Had to remove the boxert poem , sorry ….only poems about football,  though i did read your tenuous link!

      best wishes

      Crispin -Editor

    • Comment on Quality Punditry on 1st September 2023

      Cliché heaven or hell..we get it all

      Welcome to Football Poets  John

    • Comment on Chimes on 3rd September 2023

      Play Up Pompey indeed Richard .

      My first ever proper game when i was 10 was Chelsea 7-4 Pompey on Xmas morning 1959, Greavesie got 4.

      First visited Fratton Park with Chelsea (2-2) and stood among loads of sailors back in the old Second Dvision early 60s . That’s when I first heard the Pompey Chimes..

      Last visited in the mid 2000s to run a football poetry workshop on racism with local young students in the  Study Centre you had then at the time.

      Had a great chat with some of your fans when you came here to Forest Green last season…

      best wishes


    • Comment on Three Teams Worse Than Us on 31st October 2023

      ‘Three Teams Worse Than Us’ from our Toffee friend Denys in Italy, also sums up how FGR fans currently feel. Yes, in our case, with two going down to the Conference, it could be entitled ‘Two Teams Worse Than Us’, but three would make us feel even safer.

    • Comment on In Search Of Lost Grounds on 8th January 2024

      There’s something so evocative and  nostalgic for football fans the world over, in ‘revisiting’ old lost  grounds.

      Occasionally some  remnants remain,  with perhaps part of a wall or part or a stand or thre shape of a terrace, but often  they are only still there in faded images and in our heads..

      Great stuff Graham

    • Comment on Football goes into hiding on 10th January 2024

      You’re right of course Joe but…..it’s actually more of a big welcome break for everyone who is not into Premier League ..I’m talking fans of EFL National League and below…..

      Btw …is this actually your longest poem ever !?



    • Comment on Up For The Cup on 19th March 2024

      Hey Kev

      Let the masses drool over their odds on City v Unted Final, but who knows how pressure can hit.

      Cov and Chels will be rightly labelled as having no chance..but hey …stranger things have happened..

      so Chelsea v Coventry…that’s the Final for us!



    • Comment on Farewell Europe, England on 20th April 2024

      Hi Joe

      Shouldn’t your title read  your poem Farewell Europe England to everyone exccept Aston Villa ?

      I know you mention them in your poem ,  but I do  feel sorry for Villa re the national press .

      Largely ignored. the hype was was all about Man City & Arsenal with a bit of a nod to the Hammers..but hardly a mention of Villa..

      So well done to them




    • Hi Denys…

      Re Man City:

      OK it was 20 years ago but Criag Wilson did write  this and a few others on them back in 04/05.

      Manchester City

      BTW I’m more Forest Green Rover since 2014 (and Chelsea) these days . I drum and am a standing season ticket holder .






  • Dachlan Cartwright

    • World Cup 1958, what an emotional year for British football. England bereft  of Byrne, Edwards and Taylor, lost in the Munich Air Disaster. Wales going out in the quarter finals 1-0 to a Pele goal, with John Charles sitting in the stands because he’s been kicked black and blue by the Hungarians in the previous game. Even his presence at the tournament had been touch and go as Juventus has been reluctant to let him participate. King John, who played centre half for Wales and centre forward for Juventus, and could play in any position on the field. I thank God that in my life I was able to see the Busby Babes, and John Charles’ Wales, play.

  • Dachlan Cartwright

    • Comment on Liverpool Pie on 22nd January 2019

      Hi Sharon, I’m so impressed by your “body” of work. Besides the enthusiasm, you are so technically accomplished. I’m a Toffee, but I’m one of those who thinks that Shankly is the greatest manager of that era (our “Cat” did some dodgy things at that time). I love to keep the post-Hillsborough spirit when the two clubs stood together. And appreciate your praise, eg, of Big Nev’s LGBT work. Re “Pie” I posted a similar verse based on Solomon Burke’s much shorter Stupidity some time ago. Create on, Dachlan

    • Comment on This Football Life on 15th February 2019

      What s superb poet you are Sharon! This from a Toffee.

    • Comment on Mr X’s Blue and White Army on 10th December 2019

      Hi Denys, it’s great to have another Toffee posting on Footy Poets. I haven’t contributed for some time, but if you click my name you’ll find some Everton poems going back several years.

      Yes, now we’re all made up about the Chelsea result. And the return of the team spirit. And the two strikers formation.

  • Dan Stathers

    • Comment on The Sacking on 4th February 2018

      thanks, Crispin. It’s a purely fictitious ref to ‘The Iron’, i hope they will forgive me!

  • Denys E. W. Jones

  • Denys E. W. Jones

    • Thanks Gacina,

      I still have not come back down to earth myself either. Also, as I wrote in my footnotes, I loved your Lineker quote poem… short, sweet and to the point. COYB, NSNO, etc…

    • Comment on Lateling Laaland on 6th August 2023

      Don’t worry Apollo, I have examined the evidence on YouTube – he looks great, the real deal!

    • Comment on Three Teams Worse Than Us on 19th November 2023

      Thanks Gacina, glad you liked it, and I have just posted a new one about our points deduction…

    • Comment on FA Cup Replays on 25th April 2024

      Thanks Joe,
      you might like to write a poem yourself on the same subject…

    • Comment on FA Cup Replays on 26th April 2024

      Nice work, Joe. You were quick off the mark with that! Good one from Richard Williams too I see.

  • Eddie Gibbons

    • Comment on FOOTBALL STUFF on 26th August 2016

      I like it but it’s a bit stuffy, Crispin.

    • Comment on FOOTBALL STUFF on 27th August 2016

      Stuffy as there’s lots of stuff stuff stuff. I should have written stuff-y, Crispin. The new site is great! Did you coin the phrase ‘Swapping Shirts With Shakespeare’? It’s the best football poetry title ever, in my book (and I do wish it was in my book!)

  • emma power

  • Graham Salter

  • Greg Freeman

    • Comment on Football Railway Time on 1st July 2023

      A poem on Football Poets that is all about trains is all right in my trainspotting book!

    • Comment on Undaunting Support. on 9th February 2021

      ‘Get stuck in’ … the same managerial advice we were offered as 3rd Tolworth Cubs, back in the day. And at half-time, the same refrain, slightly amended: ‘The trouble is, you’re not getting stuck in enough …’

    • Comment on 1966 and All That on 16th March 2021

      Intriguing poem, Dave. I don’t think that Geoff Hurst shot would have survived VAR or goalline technology, and then where would the history of this country be, eh? Mind you, the Germans got their revenge in South Africa in 2010, when Lampard’s shot was clearly over the line but not given. (Was it a Paraguayan linesman on that occasion?) Plus the innumerable penalty shootouts …  Fifty-five years of hurt, and still counting …

    • Comment on On A Magic Porto Night on 7th June 2021

      Thanks for this, Crispin, a souvenir of a memorable night. Reading it brought tears to my eyes. Commiserations to City fans, I thought your name was on the trophy this time.

    • A football lover’s lament. Beautifully measured  poem on the great divide. Thank you, Crispin.

    • Comment on Get Your Book Out Ref on 24th June 2021

      This must be the definitive list of football cliches, or as near as dammit … Great stuff!

    • Comment on When An Old Ground Goes on 19th September 2021

      Your poem immediately made me think of that article, Crispin. When I moved up to York in 1976 almost the first thing I did was go to watch a game at Bootham Crescent. It was my way of anchoring myself in the place, finding my bearings.

    • ‘Oh to be back there again’ … ‘the hapless days when we were poor / when he’d grab three but they’d get four”. Sadly I never saw Greaves play at Chelsea, a little before my time.  We have to admit that Spurs gave him his rightful stage.

    • Comment on Euro 2020 on 15th November 2021

      May I be the first to roar my approval for this poem, Steve. Well said, and well done.

    • Comment on Chelsea’s Russian revolution on 28th February 2022

      ‘Roman holiday’ … good line, Joe. As a Chelsea fan, I can’t get my thoughts together on all this yet. I suppose it would be nice to write something before the Big One drops

    • Comment on Tony Dorigo on 13th July 2022

      I remember Tony Dorigo!  Australian full back. Scored the only goal for Chelsea in the Full Members Cup Final v Middlesbrough in 1990 (had to check Google). By pure chance I had a ticket for the press box. Because of the status of the game no one else at the paper wanted it.

    • Comment on Ref Botherers on 18th August 2022

      To put it politely!

    • Comment on Come on, The Colliers! on 6th November 2023

      Ashington FC have launched a £50,000 Crowdfunder appeal to meet the increased costs of winning promotion last season, to pay for urgent stadium improvements, travel costs and equipment

  • ianthe exall

    • Comment on In Good Time on 30th September 2016

      All for the love of the game. Nice one.

    • Comment on How Many? on 16th January 2017

      Nice one! How many coats does he have or is it just one coat of many colours?

    • Comment on Pie Faced on 22nd February 2017

      Thanks Crispin. Always interesting to see the clubs that are not in the news week after week and they just get on and play good, entertaining football. The Pieman has added a different flavour though! I think he may become a pie-taster for the supermarkets- he is certainly getting the publicity. Keep well, Cheers from Sanderstead.

    • Classic Crispin. As you are, I am appalled by the treatment dished out to Claudio Ranieri, he is a gentleman through and through. As the Bard said;  ‘O, how full of briers is this working-day world.’   As You Like It iii

    • Comment on Lament in the Putney End on 7th March 2017

      As touching and descriptive as I thought it would be Graham. So good to see that a sorry defeat for your team can bring out real emotion expressed so vividly in your poem.  I hope you don’t mind if I print it out. Cheers, Ianthe

    • Wonderful, touching poem. You have done them proud expressing your feelings about their achievement.

  • Jane Fuller

    • Comment on Branded on 25th August 2016

      Thank you Crispin

      and for your warm welcome to football poets.

    • Comment on Listening To The Game on 30th August 2016

      You really evoke the heightened tension you feel when listening rather than watching the game. I spent years listening to a guy called Derek Lacey on radio cumbria. He was the worst commentator, would forget all the players, forget to commentate on shots on goal, describe seagulls, pies all manner of eroneous things. Sadly he’s passed away and I really miss him. He felt like a friend in the end. His commentary was legendary. This poem captures that sense of distance and intimacy very well.

  • joe morris

    • Comment on Football goes into hiding on 29th January 2024

      Hi Crispin,

      How are you doing mate? Yes, you’re probably right but hey football is all about emotion and passion and I just love writing about the game. I try to keep my poetry to a reasonable length but there’s so much to write about the game and its literature just lends itself naturally to poetry. Sometimes I just get completely carried and I do apologise for the length of my poetry but it’s a great thrill to be associated with Football Poets.

      Cheers mate



    • Comment on Farewell Europe, England on 23rd April 2024

      Hi Crispin,

      Yes sorry mate. Villa are still in Europe. Mistake rectified.



    • Comment on FA Cup Replays on 23rd April 2024

      Hi Denys

      With you all the way on the abolition of FA Cup replays. What are they doing to the game?

    • Comment on FA Cup Replays on 25th April 2024

      Hi Denys,

      Thanks mate. I’ll do it now.

    • Comment on FA Cup Replays on 28th April 2024

      Thanks Denys. Yes your replay poem was superb.

    • Comment on FA Cup Replays on 29th April 2024

      Hi Denys,

      Yes Richard Williams you’re a brilliant wordsmith, my friend. When I first saw your football poetry I thought it was the superb Guardian sports and music writer. I once had the honour of sitting next to Richard Williams while at the Independent on the sports desk. He writes about music and sport with immense knowledge and authority. I’ve read a couple of Richard’s books recently. Great writer rather like you Richard Williams the Pompey fan. Congratulations on promotion.

  • Joe Williams

  • John Ellis

    • Comment on Undisclosed on 1st September 2023

      So very true. Feel cheated when we don’t know a fee.

      All smacks of too many accountants and lawyers getting involved.

      Just tell us what you paid for him, so we can say “HOW MUCH!!”

    • Comment on Quality Punditry on 7th September 2023

      Very true Crispin. Thanks!

    • Comment on The Christmas Truce on 19th September 2023

      I’d like to think some of my scarves might get passed down the generations, but can’t see some of the “quality merchandise” I have making much past my son’s generation. They’ll fall apart before he even has kids, I reckon!

    • Comment on Roy Hodgson on 20th September 2023

      Lovely stuff for one of the best.

      We love him to death down at the Palace.


      I’ll post my Roy poem a bit later. You’ve inspired me to finish it.

    • Comment on Palace Sunrise on 24th September 2023

      Very accurate indeed!

      Palace home for me is always a tough journey as well. From the wilds of west London to Selhurst is a random journey into the unknown.

    • Comment on The FA Cup in September on 2nd October 2023

      There still remains a magic about the early rounds of the FA Cup that the premier league / internationals can never match.

      Coventry Sphinx v Leicester Nirvana sounds so much more than a tale of two cities etc. etc.

    • Comment on Floating Man on 6th October 2023

      Enjoy it while you can, although I’m sure Mbappe could well be bound for St James

    • Comment on In Search Of Lost Grounds on 4th January 2024

      A great idea and well executed. Thanks Graham.

  • John J O'Connor

    • Thank you Sharon, same to you.


    • Hi Clik, merci buckets. Great poem, and I also learned what Coterminous was. For all these years I had it down as the name of a Greek midfield general from back in the day.

      Yes Chelsea were a bit of a feeder club to Palace for a few years back in the early 70’s. Bobby Tambling and the great Paddy Mulligan were another couple who took the trek sarf of the river. Later on Mickey Droy, Colin Pates and Gary Cahill also joined our ranks.

      Nowadays we seem to get all our loanees from Chelsea. They obviously don’t see us as a threat. The best of the lot of them was Conor Gallagher. We’re really going to miss him next season.

      All the best , cheers.

    • Thanks for the kind words Sharon.  Yes, it was a shame with Billy Shako, but with five subs now being allowed, he might yet make it off the bench. Even if it’s just a cameo to close out a poem.

    • Great poem Mike Bartram. Eddie was a legend, affectionately known in Liverpool as, “the first hooligan.” Even the hoolies were well dressed in those days. The amazing thing was he was only 26 when that picture was taken. He’d played for Everton youth team and was well known to the players. He never got arrested. They threw him out and he climbed back in, just in time for Derek Temples winner.

      I used the picture of him being tackled to the ground on the front cover of my book, “Once Upon a rhyme in Football.”  It’s worth looking on youtube and finding the re-enactment of the Wembley scene. Frank Skinner and Baddiel went around to Eddies home in the 1990’s and acted it out on the green outside. It’s hilarious, especially all the effort they put in to get Eddie sober enough to shoot the scene.

  • john mjc

    • Comment on England Material on 31st January 2017

      Great poem. My favorite line is the ‘worn down by fame’ much like my favorite artist.

  • Kevin Halls

    • Comment on Football Crazy on 5th September 2016

      Hi Gacina. Pleased you enjoyed my poem much appreciated. The Ernie Hunt/Willie Carr “donkey kick” goal was awesome, and I was stood behind the goal that match verses Everton.It was featured every Saturday night at the start of Match Of The Day,and you could spot the top of my head in amongst the City fans.My fifteen minutes of fame then ! Micky Quinn ( Sumo) to us fans, was a Sky Blue legend and I think he’s the last player to score a hat trick against Arsenal ? Definitely at Highbury anyway. Great memories. Cheers. Kev.

    • Comment on Football Crazy on 5th September 2016

      Hi Crispin. Yes you’re correct you have to believe or you may as well give up and take up crown green bowls or kite flying on a Saturday afternoon instead then ! We are going through it as fans and going to matches these days you get City supporters arguing with other City supporters,and many not bothering to go at all while our vile owners are here, so the atmosphere at times is hostile.All this nastiness has brought back the bad old days of hooliganism too,and recently a nasty brawl before a match resulted in two fans getting glassed in a pub. So its no fun being a Cov fan these days,but surely the good times will come soon ? Kev.

    • Comment on Bloody Football on 3rd April 2017

      Many thanks Graham pleased you enjoyed it.Had a great day yesterday at Wembley as we beat Oxford in Checkatrade Trophy Final.Okay not the biggest competition in football,but for us it is better than nowt.I was there in 87 when we won the FACup so to go back 30 years later was special.We’re going down with a smile on our long suffering faces !

    • Great poem on a wonderful achievement for FGR.
      Now let’s hope my team and Forest Green battle it out for top spot next season. If the Sky Blues top the division the vegan pies are on me ! ☺

    • Comment on It’ll End In Tears on 18th June 2018

      Didn’t know Hazel O’Connor will be at the Godiva festival. Her late mother lived just a mile from where I live. Hazel is a proud Cov Kid and loves coming back home. So I’ll be there to watch her !

    • Comment on Happy To Be Here~WC Day 4 on 18th June 2018

      Supporting Cov City for decades and watching England too has made me cynical and negative. But keep it to yourself my club is on the way up, and secretly I like England giving youth a chance. And I’ve put an England flag up,the only one I can see flying at the moment on our street. So I am trying !

    • Comment on Selfies And A Mexican Wave on 20th June 2018

      Glad you like it Crispin. I’m turning into Victor Meldrew ! I don’t believe it !

    • Comment on You Couldn’t Make It Up on 10th January 2020

      I meant to write 4th round. Oops !

  • Kevin Halls

    • Comment on Teenage Kicks on 23rd June 2021

      While trying not to gloss over Englands performances so far, as they have lacked shine, it could be not how they’ve started, but how they finish that counts ? Sorry but couldn’t resist some paint analogies. 😉

    • Comment on Get The Beer In on 5th July 2021

      Sounds great. I’m going back in the club and I’m sure it’ll be another epic night. Social distancing soon disappeared though and there was lots of hugging going on. Still after the 18 months we’ve all had it had to happen that’s the beauty of football. Enjoy your night.

    • Comment on Touchline Shouting on 4th September 2021

      This is so true. Both of my sons played at junior level and I gave words of encouragement, but never shouted or ranted from the sides like some parents, one bloke went over the top most games and his lad you could tell was nervous and embarrassed. I just wanted my lads to enjoy playing football and not as a competition etc. My eldest son ended up playing professional football, while my other one played at a decent level. The youngster who was ranted at by his crazy father never carried on playing. Let kids enjoy the game but they wont if forced to by obsessive parents.

    • Comment on The End Is In Sight on 24th March 2022

      Looks like FGR are going up as champs Crispin ? A season is the proverbial rollercoaster ride, up and down and twists and turns. As Greavsie said ” It’s a funny old game. ” We love it though. ⚽️

    • Many thanks for featuring my poem. It’s been one hell of a journey but for all the bad times I’m still here supporting my home town club. Play Up Sky Blues !

    • Comment on Greavsie on 10th February 2023

      I misspelt Jimmy’s nickname as it should be Greavsie. Typo !

    • Comment on Up For The Cup on 19th March 2024

      Hi Crispin. Chris Sutton on the radio has gone for a Chelsea v Coventry final. As we know anything can happen in the Cup, and I reckon we can go to the final.
      We’re still in with a chance of the play offs too, so lots to go for.

  • Kevin Raymond

    • Comment on Epiphany in Park Lane. on 5th February 2021

      Thanks very much Sharon. Appreciate you taking time to peruse n enthuse. Hmm…are you perchance, the former poet known as PMG? Stay safe, come what may, and have a good day. Kev.

    • Comment on We Ain’t… on 4th July 2021

      Cheers! Ta for the inspiration.

  • Lee Garratt

  • Martyn Woodward

    • Comment on Any F***ing Old Iron on 29th July 2020

      Hi Crispin,

      I’ve only just seen your comment about a photo of the gates. I will dig one out.

      I’ve still not been to The New Lawn but I do hope to get there one day.


  • Michael Hopkins

    • Comment on Gary Sprake on 23rd October 2016

      Nice tribute to a great keeper.
      Was amazed to hear team-mates say that he hardly ever practices. He was just a natural.

  • Michael Simms

  • No Inspiration tonight. Saw the suggested theme of play or sport and remembered this from 2005. – Site Title

  • Paul Chapman

  • Paul Conneally

    • Comment on Upon Reflection on 7th August 2018

      Looking forward to welcoming Wolves to the King Power Stadium this season… where hopefully we will beat you! 😉 But truthfully welcome back to the top division! – Paul

  • Peter Goulding

    • Andrew, that saver/engraver line is terrific!

      My only comment about the subject matter would be that whenever the likes of Tony Currie or Rodney Marsh got into the England team, they seemed to get dragged down to the mediocre, almost afraid to try their flicks and tricks.

    • Comment on “You’re Fired” on 28th February 2018

      A very fine and considered poem on the great malaise of the modern game. Or one of them, at least!

    • Lovely internal rhymes there Crispin. And I agree very much with the sentiment, although I reckon there’s plenty of room for improvement!!

    • The rhyme at Lines 3 and 4 is a bit dodge, Crispin???

    • Sorry everyone. Away on holidays and not very good at the computer stuff anyway.

      I had thought I was commenting on Verse 2, Lines 3 and 4. The whole poem is done in rhyming couplets – I was merely commenting on the fact that the rhyme there / disappeared sticks out like a sore thumb!!

      Nothing to do with black and white!

    • Comment on Ogden Nash debunks Brazil on 22nd July 2018

      Hi Crispin,

      Many thanks for that. I’ve actually changed it back because I feel the more ridiculous it looks, the more Ogden Nash it is! My own personal choice, others may disagree. But I appreciate the thought. Cheers

  • Rowan Waller

    • Comment on The Season Opener on 28th August 2023

      Thanks Crispin – noted re the boxer! Never know, perhaps we’ll get Forest Green in the cup… or Chelsea!

  • Scott McAllister

    • Comment on Baggio at the Net on 8th December 2016

      Nice. I was 15 years-old when I wrote this for a high school english class…in 1995:

      You probably found it here: http://www.illyria.com/soccer/socbag.html

      I suppose I should be flattered.

      Looks like you changed the title, fixed my spelling in one spot in verse four, changed a word in the last line, and added some commas.  While I appreciate the revisions, I don’t believe those changes make this poem yours.

    • Comment on Baggio at the Net on 12th December 2016

      Thanks, Christian! I never had any problems with FootballPoets.org. You wouldn’t know if anything was plagiarized. You all are great. Thank you for giving me credit for my work.

  • Sharon Jones

  • Sharon Wilkie-Jones

    • Comment on FOOTBALL STUFF on 27th August 2016

      It was from a proposed book from a few years ago; and the cover was even better than the title! Google it 🙂

  • Sharon Wilkie-Jones

    • Comment on Druids United on 27th January 2019

      I went to see Cefn Druids play in a cup game back in 2007. What a lovely club they are. There are a group of lads who went to Exeter Uni years ago and one day they decided to find a football club where the ground was the hardest to get to from Exeter, Cefn Druids it was, and they have a reunion once a year since that first game many moons ago!

    • Comment on National Football Museum on 16th March 2018

      It’s a superb tribute to one of the finest footballers to grace the game, and a lovely gentleman too.

    • Comment on Grassroots Football on 15th April 2018

      Thanks for those words of encouragement Crispin.

      We go to Lochgilphead Red Star Fc games here in Argyll, just a wee walk from our home.

      I always want Liverpool to win, club of my heart, but the prices priced me out long ago. I love the charismatic Klopp, the magic of Mo and the magnificent Mane, but it’s not the club of my youth anymore. Perhaps that’s the price we pay for success.

      We also get to at least one game a year at Accrington Stanley Fc, on target for promotion this year, and love Billy Kee (striker) also known as SuperBillyKee.

      Have a new book of football poetry coming out 25th May: A Game of Two Halves: Football Tackling Homelessness; this is in support of our SHARE project (Students Homelessness Awareness Raising Enterprise) http://www.argyllshare.co.uk and http://www.sharebolton.co.uk

      Follow us on Twitter – @ArgyllSHARE & @SHARE_Bolton

      Best, Sharon

    • Comment on When You Can’t Be There on 15th April 2018

      Football lives in our hearts, not our heads Crispin, and it nudges its space alongside our other more important loves.

      Love, that auld devil called football, is our respite, response and reason, and each page turned is a new chapter, new corner, and new hope.

      My best to you and your wife.

    • is this being seen (wrongly i think) as a representation of the old minstrels show?

    • Comment on Hillsborough on 29th June 2018

      Aye, my thoughts too, but this is a start……

    • Big Yin! Is that Sir Billy Connolly far left on the main picture?

    • Comment on The Heart of Football on 13th July 2018

      i should say so!

    • Cheers Crispin, much appreciated.


    • Comment on Liverpool Pie on 27th January 2019

      Hi Declan,

      Much appreciate your kind words, and even better coming from our blue nose neighbours!

      Your writing is boss,  keep on 🙂

    • Comment on Liverpool Pie on 27th January 2019

      apologies, Dachlan.

    • Well in Crispin.

    • Comment on Remembering Georgie Best on 12th February 2019

      It is a beautiful poem indeed.

    • Comment on This Football Life on 16th February 2019

      Much appreciated Dachlan, even more so from a Toffee 🙂

      My Dad was a scouse red through and he married into a family of die- hard blue-noses!

    • Comment on A Minute’s Silence on 20th June 2019

      Lovely poem Rhys, and That Lone Ship looks a boss book.

    • Comment on LGBTQIA+ 2019 on 28th June 2019

      We have one of these shirts Clik and it is beautiful.

      Great poem for a boss shirt.

  • Simon Williams

  • steve mingle

    • Cheers Crispin, yeah I’m absolutely gagging to get out there and start ranting at people again. Online zoom gigs have been a godsend and invaluable for the sanity – but nothing like the real thing!

Source: http://footballpoets.org/comments-by-commenter/